Wakin Bacon Closet Grow

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Thanks guys!

I hope the yoyos get here today. I can't believe all the bud that is under the first layer of canopy. It's like a whole different world under there. Fat fuckin buds everywhere! Definitely gonna snap some pics of all that when the yoyos get here.

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
The unseen buds. They secretly pack on weight in their own little under world. :weed:

This is what you see at first glance:


But just under the canopy is a whole 'nother world. And they are stacked like a mofo as well, but they are laying down. Just gotta stand em up.


There are fat buds all over the place. I wanna punch whoever is in charge of shipping me my yoyos right in the face. :cuss:


Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Got my 24 yoyos today and threw em on. Took me about 30-45 minutes to get em on. Gonna need about 24 more to finish the job, though.

Couple pics:




Well-Known Member
Mate gonna sound daft here ... What are yo yos and not the ones you play walk the dog and shit with ?..

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
I have no clue how much bud I will get out of this grow, but I do know that it will keep me baked for quite some time. :eyesmoke:

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Ordered more yoyos. Who knows when they'll be here. Hopefully soon cause there're lots of buds that need em. Prolly gonna harvest the larger tops first and then go back and harvest the under growth maybe a couple weeks later. I'll use the microscope to be certain they are ready. There is so much sticky bud on her. It's just everywhere. I move a bud over and find two more. I am really curious to see the final dried weight for her. I may start one of these ladies inside and throw her outside come spring and just let her get extremely large.

Day 50 I think:






not much to say but wow. shit looks good. :)
where do u buy ur yoyos? I cant seem to find them on ebay, only some that are quite expensive.
So I actualy ordered the ones you use with your ski lift card. If u know what i meen. :P
But the ones u have look somewhat cheap and probaly alittle better then the ones I have ordered.

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
not much to say but wow. shit looks good. :)
where do u buy ur yoyos? I cant seem to find them on ebay, only some that are quite expensive.
So I actualy ordered the ones you use with your ski lift card. If u know what i meen. :P
But the ones u have look somewhat cheap and probaly alittle better then the ones I have ordered.

Thanks brotha! I got em through Amazon. Just search for plant yoyos. So far so good, no complaints.

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Gonna be draining the buckets and then filling them back up with distilled water and MOAB. Adjust the PH and run that all the way up until time to flush.

On another note, I cut a few smaller branches off the NL on Saturday so I could practice harvesting, trimming, drying, final trimming, and curing. Definitely a good idea! Great practice and now I know exactly what needs to happen come harvest.

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Thanks for stopping by crazycarp!

I am harvesting when the trichomes are a combination of cloudy and slightly amber. Gonna harvest the bigger tops and then let the lower buds mature. So I will harvest once, and then harvest again when the bottom bud's trichomes are cloudy and slightly amber.

I want the NL for couch lock effect and WW for get up, get out, and do some shit effect.

I read through this when researching about it.

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
I snipped a sugar leave from each plant's main cola. Just to check out the trichomes under the 60x-100x microscope. I wanna watch em from now on. It took me a minute to get use to the little portable microscope, but it works great once ya get use to it. Trichomes are clear.

Random pic:


Wakin Bacon

Active Member
You'll want to check the buds not the leaves.

Sup Mr. Head? Thanks for stopping by. I read through this when researching about it. I copied and pasted the meat and potatoes below:

"The best way to check how the trichomes on your plant are doing is by means of a loupe or a microscope.
I would recommend getting ones that can at least go to 60x magnification.
Getting one that can go to 100x would be even better, but the more magnification the more cost.

All you have to do is take a small sample of a leaf with trichomes on it, or if you have a loupe or a USB microscope simply look at the trichomes on the plant to determine their 'state'.
It's important that you check all over the plant, since trichomes will usually develop and produce faster at the top(s) of branches and slower and the bottom of the plant.

Some people choose to harvest the tops first and let the bottom nugs grow a bit more to let the trichomes mature and develop further but also to let the buds fatten up more. It's a judgement and preference call really."

It seems like I will eventually get to the buds.