Wanna Talk To Sampson?


Active Member

Meet the new member of my family, Sampson. We just got him last night. He is
6 weeks old. He is crying alot for his momma but he's doing well besides that. He was the runt I take it, since he was the only one left but I think he's got good personality and am glad he was left for me. He's got no fear , jumps from the bed , climbs up the baby gate (no babies here) and leaps onto 3ft high shelf where I was germinating my seed. I hav to make sure he doest get into my grow when Im working though.

And if you dont like cats or think I posted this in the wrong section, my appolgies,
Maybe this thread isnt for you, so move along.... - THCHEAD :leaf:

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Active Member
Wow, what a supercute cat Sampson is.
Enjoy every minute, film it, take pictures.
And love him like yourself, if not even more ;)
Best wishes,
a Catlover


Well-Known Member
lol its ok, ive posted in the wrong section before :P cats are pretty cool, i dont not like them. though never gotten to know one very well. im a dog person, and im allergic to cats, so i dont think ill ever fully appreciate feline company,, but im glad that you got it, and hope you have fun with an animal that poops in your house. :)


Active Member
Yes.. You know, we used to eat it all the time back in the day.
He keeps ending up on the heating pad even though its off , but he cant get down. Thanks for the love .. I also have 2 other cats and 1 dog, a pom/chi which I got for my gf. Would have a big dog for myself but I need a house first .. Dogs are the shit..
Happy growing everyone

Check out my current grow and follow along if u like ..
ExodusCheese .. King's Kush .. Hammerhead & Grapefruit Krush
