Want bigger buds!!! Just change out your bulbs! High times s.t.a.s.h. Winner 2013!


Active Member

hey guys, Check out this video!
you lose up to 10% of your light output just by not changing your bulbs every 3 to 6 months while still consuming the same wattage.
Genesis bulbs are comparable to hortilux and there way cheaper......they promote this to encourage customers to change out there bulbs and they make it affordable. i got my bulbs for $45.00 at http://monstergardens.com/index.php?route=common/home just thought i would help rollitup growers save some cash :)

I would love to hear some feedback as well!


Well-Known Member
Let's do the math $45 x 4 (# annual bulb changes) = $180 US x 3 years = $540, or about the price of an Area 51 SGS 160 (or equivalent LED), BUT, the SGS will last ~ 10 years with < 10% light loss


Active Member
Let's do the math $45 x 4 (# annual bulb changes) = $180 US x 3 years = $540, or about the price of an Area 51 SGS 160 (or equivalent LED), BUT, the SGS will last ~ 10 years with < 10% light loss
were talking HPS lighting bro.......L.E.D. lighting is not as intense as a 1000 watt hps bulb. were talking more about yields. while l.e.d. gives you great quality......hps gives more quanity....


Active Member
True, a 1000w hps may out yield a led grow light advertised as a 1000w replacement, with a lower initial startup cost too.
But 1000w of ACTUAL LED draw/output vs advertised output, from a well built spectrum, dispersed over multiple panels (multiple light sources) will out yield hps any day. with a lower heating bill too. ;)


Well-Known Member
Just 4000 that it took to rig up the leds lol, there have been cheap hps bulbs for a while this isnt really news, i can get a case of 1000s for $120 online.
Also will 1000w of led on flat panels out perform a 1000w hps virticle cylindrical grow. A 1k hps will cover 64sq ft of grow space virtically with bare bulb.


New Member
you lose up to 10% of your light output just by not changing your bulbs every 3 to 6 months while still consuming the same wattage.
I would love to hear some feedback as well!
So your saying that after 6 months my bulbs are still 90% good overall. Of course they want you to change them regularly, its makes good (money)sense. You will see no difference in a bulb that has 10% less intensity and lumens. I have one old fart grower that refuses to change his bulbs, He is an his second year with the same bulbs and we really see no discernible difference in his quantity or quality. Each to their own I say, when you change 15 bulbs its gets expensive quickly. JAS


Well-Known Member
Where does this heat generated by led or anything that uses power magically go. And if led produce no heat why is a heatsink needed? I run a 400 watt cool tube in a tent and it runs cool as can be. I put a 500 watt led panel exhastting air with the same cool tube without a lamp running in it and the tent gets very hot?


Active Member
Just 4000 that it took to rig up the leds lol, there have been cheap hps bulbs for a while this isnt really news, i can get a case of 1000s for $120 online.
Also will 1000w of led on flat panels out perform a 1000w hps virticle cylindrical grow. A 1k hps will cover 64sq ft of grow space virtically with bare bulb.
This is true, there are many CHEAP bulbs that are out on the market. However, there is a reason for this. These are bulbs that are all about luminosity, or lumens. Lumens are for humans, we only care about photons, or photosynthetically active radiation. This means that you need a bulb that is designed for growing plants (horticultural specific arc tubes). The GENESIS HPS and MH bulbs have been designed for the highest PAR, to be compared to a high PAR bulb that is already out on the market (USHIO and Hortilux). The idea behind the price being inexpensive, is that you will be able to keep the output at is optimum levels at all times, instead of depreciating about 10% over the course of the year. The price is right, and will keep your output at its peak. Hope this helps make you feel better about trying the 2013 BULB OF THE YEAR!


Well-Known Member
BUMP like a double camal hump. These Genesis bulbs look legit...just can't find many journals on them. It's like a CMH/LED with intensity. Opinions or experiences?!


Well-Known Member
"All bulbs lose 5% lumens every 90 days, that is -20% every YEAR." - Taken from video. C'mown, that statement is just wrong.

- Jiji


Active Member
"All bulbs lose 5% lumens every 90 days, that is -20% every YEAR." - Taken from video. C'mown, that statement is just wrong.

- Jiji
I think that mite be to an extent, but im running a 400 & 600 hps of Genesis brand and there phenominal!!

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