Want Legalization? Vote Donald Trump!

Should Trump be elected president?

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Donald Trump

Donald Trump has firmly stated that he is against legalization and supports medical cannabis, but also believes legalization is up to the states.

Trump’s views have shifted from supporting legalization when he said in 1990, “we’re losing badly the war on drugs. You have to legalize drugs to win that war,” to a much more conservative stance which he has elaborated on in recent interviews.

Trump told Sean Hannity on C-SPAN he is against legalization saying “it’s bad and I feel strongly about that.” In another interview with Hannity, he discusses Colorado, claiming marijuana causes “tremendously damaging effects to the mind, to the brain, to everything. So it’s a big problem.”

Despite the claims of damaging effects, he supports medical cannabis 100 percent and believes it is up to each state to enact their own marijuana laws.

Looking at just three of the current 38 candidates, it looks as though the GOP has shifted away from the days of Ronald Reagan’s War on Drugs and George H. W. Bush’s expansion of harsh drug policies.

While Jeb Bush and Donald Trump are generally falling instep with expected party lines, Rand Paul is the most outspoken supporter of cannabis of all candidates to date.

Trump is a fucking idiot who has repeatedly changed his mind over and over again. Do not vote trump...
Theres no way that frikin clown is going to he president of these united states of america. I dont give a rats ass about any other politician except Bernie Sanders. Say what you want about him being a social democrat. His ideas are considered conservative in most of the developed world. And all you free market capitalism/small government libertarian retards are living in a fukin dream and your brainwashed. Its time we got on with it. Things like Universal Health Care shouldnt even be a queastion. Sanders is the only one not plugged into the Washington machine. The media acted like Clinton got the best in the dem debates. When the polls showed Bern clearly got it rite. CNN abruptly got rid.of the results and are all over Hillary akd the status quo. They should. They donated over 500,000$ to her campaign. Secretly probably more. Corporate media acts like Bernie doesnt exist because they want you to do the same. Wall Street fat cats and Washington good.ole boy network is scared to death of Sanders. And hes winning popular support.without any big money PACS or.lobbyists. He wont do it.
I don't think any of them will lift a finger for us. But like Bill Clinton, they all say it should be legal after they leave office and can't do anything about it. Politicians all suck when it comes to this issue. Maybe Sanders might help. Trump is highly unlikely to...he's too busy looking at himself in the mirror.
Obama said not long ago it's no worse than tobacco or alcohol.

So why the hell don't you make an executive order and tell the DEA to lighten up?

Didn't Richard Nixon personally somehow get it on schedule one because we were smoking it at the anti war rallies?
I have some dim memory of that. Dick didn't like anyone opposing him. OCD over it.

The point being, if one president got it on schedule one, couldn't another remove it? Not sure about that, just wondering.
Just like the brutal mexican cartels the DEA's bread and butter has always been marijuana. They face massive layoffs and budget cuts. Just like the prison "industry". Them 2 words are against everything this country stands for!!! They will lose out a big slice of the pie. They want it all nice and comfy like the way it was just a few years ago. The average agent and corrections officer makes a hefty yearly salary....overtime whenever they want it. These are just 2 examples. There are many more.
What it all boils down to is M-O-N-E-Y!!!! Dont ever think otherwise. Why is marijuana illegal federally? Money. Theh made it into a business. The business of providing it (black market) and the business of prohibiting it. Why will marijuana soon be legal? Even more money!!! Through taxation and regulation politicians are finding that there is more.money in repealing prohibition. Colorado was/is basically the test. State politicos railed against it until the coffers starting getting stuffed with stacks of ca$h. A bunch of whores i think the whole lot of them are!!
The sanders people crack me up. It's hard to believe we've created such a feckless people that they call indoctrination education, history all a lie, science they can't understand a god and people that can't reproduce a couple.
"....oh its always starts with the ooohing and the ahhing, then there's the screaming and the running away..." Dr malcolm
One thing worse than spidermites to the wonderful cannabis plant is the money we have artificially added to it. Good or bad. Truthfully and honestly money should be nowhere near this whacky weed. If marijuana had a voice that would be the first thing it would say...."keep that paper you humans call money away from me as far as possible. And i will get on with it just fine thank you"
The sanders people crack me up. It's hard to believe we've created such a feckless people that they call indoctrination education, history all a lie, science they can't understand a god and people that can't reproduce a couple.
"....oh its always starts with the ooohing and the ahhing, then there's the screaming and the running away..." Dr malcolm

sounds a little biased to me. It's not even November 2015 yet, let alone 2016...try to relax a while! burn one or something, if that's not being too "feckless"...
Marijuana prohibition is coming to an end no matter who in the hell becomes President. And soon. Its inevitable and thats a fact. Electing some lackey might expedite the process but it really doesnt matter
Marijuana prohibition is coming to an end no matter who in the hell becomes President. And soon. Its inevitable and thats a fact. Electing some lackey might expedite the process but it really doesnt matter
yeah, I keep telling myself that...but there's big money resistance as well as stupid mothers groups saying they don't want their kids smoking weed. Of course these dumb asses don't realize that their kids are going to do what they want to do anyway, and that they probably already tried it.

So currently, to me, it would seem to still be an enormous up hill battle.

Just because something's wrong doesn't mean it will get fixed. Especially in this fucked up system. Look at everything else that needs fixed. Not much progress there either from where I sit.

Election reform is needed to get secret big money out...and redistribution of wealth upward needs to level off...how much money do they need, all of it?
The fat cats dont even want us regular working folks to have the tinplate the pie comes in. Its been steadily gowing down hill since Reagen took office. When he broke the airline unions back. Trickle down my ass!!! Alot of people talk out the side of their neck too about how unions got greedy and tore this country up. Well...unions created the middle class!!!! They were the reason you could have a house and a decent living. And people with purchasing power create jobs....rich investors a distant second. Thats a fact.
Here it went medical and now has come around to where they are cutting back your grow, but quadrupling the dispensary grows. They want to completely corpororize it eventually. All the dispensaries and grows here are owned by lawyers and judges....kind of a "closet" monopoly and manipulation.
Alot of people talk out the side of their neck too about how unions got greedy and tore this country up. Well...unions created the middle class!!!!

Preaching' to the choir, brother. Been to several rallies lately...3 steel companies trying to jam it down the union's throat right now, US Steel, ATI and Acelor. Of course they're all in collusion. All giving massive bonuses to CEO's and then saying union makes too much money. I just retired, couldn't take their lying bull shit anymore I hope they choke on their own greed.

If the unions and middle class keep evaporating, who the hell will be left to buy what these companies sell?

Henry Ford was no angel, but he at least understood that if you paid people decent, they might buy a car they made there.
Today, they could care less.

They only care about executive bonuses. And cutting jobs and benefits to fund the bonuses.
