Want to see ufc for free..right now?


Active Member
I clicked the link and joe rogan was talking to him...I'll just watch the rest i still wanna watch tito, brendan, and diego so i'll watch them tomorrow when its up as a torrent;)

[email protected]

Well-Known Member
how do you get it in a torrent and for that matter wat is a torrent?.. i really wanna see tito i think he a d-bag wanna see him get his ass beat


Well-Known Member
a torrent is a compressed file...you can download torrents of anything...movies games music whatever...you have to get a torrent download program and then find the torrent. its easy man


Active Member
^^what he said..Whatever you want if its in a data form it most likely can be downloaded....For free


Well-Known Member
dude go to Torrentz.com...is a search engine for torrents..you find what you want then it lets you pick from every site thats hosting it...btjunkie in available..so is piratebay and about 500 other ones lol