War on Corporate


Well-Known Member

The War on Corporate greed We could fund 3 new wars on the money made from such a thing

1. Bank of America took $336 billion in bailouts in 2009, but in 2010, flush with $4.4 billion in profits, it paid no taxes. Even Forbes magazine asked, how is that possible? Probably thanks to their 115 offshore tax havens.

2. Boeing just received $35 billion from our government to build 179 airborne tankers, but despite nearly $10 billion in profits from 2008 to 2010, it too paid no taxes, again thanks to foreign tax havens.

3. Citicorp took $476 billion from the bailout and then made monster profits in 2010, yet it paid no taxes, thanks to 427 subsidiaries in tax havens like the Cayman Islands and Hong Kong.

4. Exxon/Mobil, received huge oil subsidies from the government and earned $45 billion in 2009 but paid no taxes, again thanks to stashing profits in places like the Bahamas and Singapore.

5. General Electric, the company that already enjoys more tax subsidies payed no taxes in 2010 & got money back

6. Google utilizes a technique that moves most of its income through Ireland and Netherlands to Bermuda, making its tax rate 2.3 percent.

7. Mega Pharmaceuticals Merck earned $9 billion in profits and paid no taxes in 2010, while Pfizer (largest drug maker) owed $10 billion in taxes but found the necessary loopholes to pay no taxes, thanks to its offshore subsidiaries in places like Luxembourg and the Isle of Jersey.

8. News Corporation, Rupert Murdoch's media monolith that owns Fox News avoids paying American taxes through its 152 subsidiaries in tax havens from the British Virgin Islands to Hong Kong.

9. Verizon, despite making $24.2 billion in pre-tax US income, paid no taxes and actually claimed a federal refund of $1.3 billion for the last two years, again all thanks to those offshore subsidiaries.

10. Wells Fargo, the fourth largest bank in the US, which took $107 billion in bailouts, wrote off all its losses by acquiring Wachovia, thus paying no taxes. Yet its CEO earned $5.6 million in cash for his salary and $13 million in stock.

to hear one side of the argument,they`d say that we already have the highest corporate taxes in the world.we may have but the loopholes make that rate null and void.
i would almost be lead to believe this is the unfairness of our system people would protest.
to hear one side of the argument,they`d say that we already have the highest corporate taxes in the world.we may have but the loopholes make that rate null and void.
i would almost be lead to believe this is the unfairness of our system people would protest.

The really fucked up thing about our corporate tax rate is that it's as high as it is in order to insure small businesses can't compete with large corporations who offshore their profits avoiding the tax rate. So while small businesses often pay 20%-35%, the big corporations largely pay ~15%-0% in corporate tax, many actually getting money back. How can a small business be expected to be competitive with a company who has a 30% profitability advantage due to not paying taxes? The answer is they aren't supposed to be competitive. Our system is set up so the wealthy stay wealthy forever and no one can compete with them.

It's a rigged game.
I have a personal satisfaction in seeing BofA fail and fail hard. There isn't a bank more deserving of thrown monkey excrement IMHO.

Wells Fargo can suck a dick too.
I have a personal satisfaction in seeing BofA fail and fail hard. There isn't a bank more deserving of thrown monkey excrement IMHO.

i'm doing my part by refusing to pay the $5k i owe them. i cancelled the card after they put an annual fee on it and was going to pay it off, but for some reason they somehow didn't receive my payment two months in a row and tacked on the obligatory late fees each time.

i'm not that dumb. i know they purposely "did not receive" those payments so they could jack up the rate and collect more fees. after that, i decided to fuckall with them. they must have sold the account to several collectors, as i receive mail and calls from several collection companies. i usually just waste their time for as long as i can before they hang up.

fuck BofA.
i'm doing my part by refusing to pay the $5k i owe them. i cancelled the card after they put an annual fee on it and was going to pay it off, but for some reason they somehow didn't receive my payment two months in a row and tacked on the obligatory late fees each time.

i'm not that dumb. i know they purposely "did not receive" those payments so they could jack up the rate and collect more fees. after that, i decided to fuckall with them. they must have sold the account to several collectors, as i receive mail and calls from several collection companies. i usually just waste their time for as long as i can before they hang up.

fuck BofA.
I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside when I hear those kinds of stories about BofA. I also love to tell bill collectors that they are 3rd party interlopers and have no business sticking their noses into my personal affairs. Then I politely paraphrase " Go suck a dick!" to them.
I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside when I hear those kinds of stories about BofA. I also love to tell bill collectors that they are 3rd party interlopers and have no business sticking their noses into my personal affairs. Then I politely paraphrase " Go suck a dick!" to them.

I love bill collectors. Why? Because they are all stupid, don't know the law, and when they sue you: they lose!
I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside when I hear those kinds of stories about BofA. I also love to tell bill collectors that they are 3rd party interlopers and have no business sticking their noses into my personal affairs. Then I politely paraphrase " Go suck a dick!" to them.

i still pay citicards on the $2k i owe them. they even have a program where anything i pay over the minimum, they match it.

in the end though, i'm glad i don't have to rely on credit anymore. i don't even have a bank account. when it's time to pay the bills, i show my wife what we owe, hand her my half in cash, and use her account (local credit union) to pay them.

banks have fucked with me so much that i am scared to even use a credit union.
The largest and greediest corporation is the Federal Government.

that damn greedy federal government, sending me checks when i was unemployed and sending people money to eat when they are starving.

don't even get me started with those checks they send out after i send them my 1040. how dare they!
UB, don't go there about the 1040 checks, thats an interest free loan they get from us, unless, of course, you OWE taxes and aren't fortunate enough to be a major corp. or have a good CPA, then they rape you.
UB, don't go there about the 1040 checks, thats an interest free loan they get from us, unless, of course, you OWE taxes and aren't fortunate enough to be a major corp. or have a good CPA, then they rape you.

i have no problem providing an interest free loan to the government so that they may operate. i like this whole idea of having a strong military and essential public services.

no CPA here, not a major corp, but for some reason they end up sending me a nice check every year.

i wish all "greedy corporations" did the same. wouldn't it be nice if a bank actually rewarded you for keeping your money with them, instead of raping you with every fee possible?
The largest corporation in the world, The United States and it's satellite "states" also imprison the most people of any country in the world.
The largest corporation in the world, The United States and it's satellite "states" also imprison the most people of any country in the world.

Because statistically the ones that imprison the Least also have the highest amount dying of starvation
The largest and greediest corporation is the Federal Government.

haha...after weeks of hearing how 'job creators' blah blah blah...

now since it's cool to think that corporations are bad... the federal government must obviously be a corporation... come on now...
The largest corporation in the world, The United States and it's satellite "states" also imprison the most people of any country in the world.

It isn't a corporation. We do not hold shares of it's stock, we don't see dividends. They may imprison the most people but they don't make much money on that.