Warning about dealings with Alltell....


Well-Known Member
Chad ain't lookin out for me, let me tell you!

Okay, here is a load of shit for ya.
My hubby signs a contract with Alltell. The promise to provide him internet service (with an add-on to the bill, of course) thru them for our laptop. So, he gets this air card thing (some black thing you stick on your laptop) and he pays FULL PRICE, no rebates or nuttin, for over $200.
Well, we were on it a few days ago and our link is terminated. Can't get it back on. Call Alltell to see what the problem is, (and get this) they terminated it cuz they don't have enough business out here for internet service so they are pulling thier service to the area. Now, is that fucked up OR WHAT? Then, to add injury to insult, they don't think they should reimburse us for what we paid for the air card! So, they break the contract, (we paid the bills, believe me!) and don't feel responsible for that, AND we are stuck with an expensive device we can do NOTHING with after Dec (enough gripin and they gave us till Dec.)
Btw, hubby WAS a customer for many years. Not anymore...........

So, whatever you do, DO NOT enter into a contract with Alltell, they will NOT honor it, they are shietsters and charlatans and have NO honor, NO class, and NO business bein in business.



Well-Known Member
They say it is in the contract. We did threaten, but they didn't care.

Lawyers are ambulance chasers anyhow, they don't wanna take a case they can't make thier 33% of a fortune on, I may be hard pressed finding a lawyer to take it.

That is why I am warning everyone NOT to enter contracts with them.


I watched a short documentary about a very similar situation a few days ago.

What he ended up doing was suing the company in small claims court, which takes like 3 hours of work (Just filling out papers and dropping them off) and a 40 dollar fee. Because it would have cost the company far more money to defend itself in court than it would to mail a cheque, even if they could have won in court, they called him a week later and offered to settle for the full amount. He even asked for, and was given, the $40 fee he paid to file the suite.


Well-Known Member
That sucks puff...I'd call consumer protection..or even the FCC.. or crtc in Canada..they must either supply contracted service or reimburse... I've got a great company here..I've got TV with 30 extra channels, so about 70 total..hi speed internet..plus computer phone all for $112.00 total...


Well-Known Member
I'd go up to the store and ask for a copy of the contract. That way you can find out exactly what they were talkin about and see if you signed anything that said "Service may be discontinued at any time" because if they are such rip off artists. You may have un-knowingly agreed to that term on paper.


Well-Known Member
Awesome, Dingle. I just hope I can get a lawyer to fill out the paper work for me. If I try and sue them from the fucked up county I live in, it will cost me alot more than $40 to file for myself, don't we love the little po-dunk shitholes like I live in?:roll:

I am looking into a legal case.

Twisty, thanx, man. I am filing a case with the BBB as we speak. I didn't think about consumer protection or the FCC, I will explore those options as well.

Just get the word out. IF they did have it in the contract, they shuddn't, it is NOT honorable business practices. But I guess we will let the BBB and judge decide that.....