Warning !! Cell pics and Emails..

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Alright everyone i have recentlycome across some facts off fellow members of RIU and looking at peoples pages on here.

Cell phone pics:
Exif data is contained in them which in certain phones include GPS data, not all but with all those new smart phones its hard to say which wont.. That means with a very simple program you can read the ie: photos to date ,phone model and some Gps locations which can then be used to pin point you.

I was in two minds wether to post this one. You should never have your only email or the email you use for social sites as your name.First of all i dont think you want the whole world to know your private business(RIU is very big).Secondly i doubt you want to lose your all your hard graft to someone or worse still end up with trip to the pig farm.

Any other tips plz feel free to add below..

Keep It Stealth...

Dr Green Dre

Edit: Heres a link http://regex.info/exif.cgi , it should help check out your photo's before you post.
There are others aswell ,so if you find a better one plz add..

Plz thank Herbalbeast & LectricBud for this info
um yea the worst thing i noticed was the iphone saves all ur gps locations when u take pictures, Look under places in ur photos and a google map will come up with pins everywhere u took pics at, no more taking pics of big pulls or fat sacks
but yea ive herd alot recently how ur social netowrk sites are starting to be exploited for ur info
yeah bro.. i was surprised myself how easy they've made it for people to be tracked down , some people wont see it coming ! Now that everyones pinging this and that straight to sites basicly giving whoever a map,histroy and events of your life, but not realizing that its all conected through various sites. Edit Post

Name and shame any other phones: iphone
I don't know how it works on other phones, but if you have a blackberry, you need to bring up your camera, then push the little blackberry button to bring up the camera menu, then select "options". When you get the options menu, look for where it says "geotagging" and make sure it's disabled. If geotagging is not disabled, every picture will have the exact gps coordinates of where the picture was taken in it. This would obviously be a problem if you took a picture of of your grow room in your house.
I don't know how it works on other phones, but if you have a blackberry, you need to bring up your camera, then push the little blackberry button to bring up the camera menu, then select "options". When you get the options menu, look for where it says "geotagging" and make sure it's disabled. If geotagging is not disabled, every picture will have the exact gps coordinates of where the picture was taken in it. This would obviously be a problem if you took a picture of of your grow room in your house.

Very good info there rep+ .I wonder how many people know that?? out of 10 id say 3
thing is, I wonder if the agencies are internationally cooperating and if for instance if USA communicates with The UK and so on to "report" users and stuff...
heres a sneaky little trick for iphones if it already hasnt been said.
Turn your iphone onto flight mode and take photos that way, it should turn off the geotagging as the phone has zero reception and make sure it hasnt auto connected to your wireless network.
DEA... and other government agencies :)

I'd worry about theives trying to jack your crop, as well as the cops.

heres a sneaky little trick for iphones if it already hasnt been said.
Turn your iphone onto flight mode and take photos that way, it should turn off the geotagging as the phone has zero reception and make sure it hasnt auto connected to your wireless network.

Good tip. +rep.
So we have how to turn it off on an iphone and a blackberry, anybody have another kind of phone that can post how to turn it off on that? I think this is a pretty important thing for people to know.
... I've heard alot recently how your social netowrk sites are starting to be exploited for your info.

Starting? They've been doing it since they began!

Social networks are nothing but huge data mines for personal info. It's not only getting to the point where you could be tracked, it's getting to the point where one could predict your actions.

Since the beginning, people have been told "Don't put personal info on the net!"

Another tip: Don't use the same screen name on multiple sites.
heres a sneaky little trick for iphones if it already hasnt been said.
Turn your iphone onto flight mode and take photos that way, it should turn off the geotagging as the phone has zero reception and make sure it hasnt auto connected to your wireless network.

Rep+ good info

can you say BIG BROTHER? all your pics will end up as Exhibit A etc!

lol..:) i feel ya bro thats why you got to stay sharp and spread the word as they're always trying something new.

thing is, I wonder if the agencies are internationally cooperating and if for instance if USA communicates with The UK and so on to "report" users and stuff...

Bro dont wonder about those things as thats been happening from along time ago,who knowsthe levels they'll use ,might only be for certain "users" or size .
this what made me start up this thread
posted by Lectricbud
Originally Posted by Hypocrisy
Sorry about the crappy cell phone pics. Made a ton of mistakes and learned a lot about pH... Total harvest was 354 grams.

You just made one more mistake....very big.

Cell phone pics.....Never, EVER, post Pics from a cell phone.... Why?

Because they contain "Exif" data which tells you almost everything about the camera. (type, settings, brand, etc...)

But they can also contain GPS info, depending upon what type of phone camera.

I ran your pictures through an exif program, and was able to pinpoint your exact location when these were taken.

You live in an Apartment building right on the freeway in LA.

Please...Dont ever post pictures taken from cell phones guys...we dont need anyone getting busted.​

I didnt know if this was true so i checked it out..