WARNING Lots of info and my problems


Active Member
Hi all,
Probly too much details I hope i dont scare any help away by not wanting to read so much but i figure better to have more info then not enough. here goes,,,
Got a couple of problems suspect one with the setup itself but ill start with some specs:

Ebb and flow Similar to the one by jholmes in the DIY section except no control bucket one large res on groundand the buckets that get filled are elevated on a large table above res height so pump kicks in and pumps from res into buckets until full then stops and gravity drains buckets back into res.

Flood and drain once every 4 hours durring light have removed the one flood i did have durring dark.
Hydroton clay balls with clones in rockwool cubes, piece of panda film on bucket tops-stop light from roots.
2.6 gallon buckets, Approx 35 gallon res have air stone and a powerhead pushing water around with air adapter also, Water temps relative to room temps.
Am using a sort of local but reputable brand of A and B flower and adding same brand potash as per instructions,Can give full details of whats in the bottles if needed.
Also adding 1ml per 2 liters (half the recommend strength) of Microbial used to control pythiumin or root probs.

PH 5.9-6.1 PPM 1600, Start PPM is about 140-160 from airated and circulating tap water sat for well over 24h.
600 Watt HPS
1.5 Feet from canopy top on 12/12
15c low and 23c high
40% RH low and %60 RH high
Grow space 9footx9footx7foot high
Canopy size approx 4.5x4.5x 3.5 foot high
150mm centrifugal extraction at 130litres pre second running 24/7
350mm Passive intake
oscilating fan running 24/7

OK now thats covered ill just mention what i think one or some of the problems could be related to,,,

Problem with setup:
If u have looked at the pictures in the DIY section u see that its a bucket in bucket setup with holes cut in the bottom of the bucket that the plant is in and then that bucket is sat inside another that has the hosing run to it and gets the fill and drain from that, Now the hose runs into the bottom of the bucket but on its side not actually underneath and because of this Fitting not being completely underneath the bucket it does hold a small pool of water that doesnt drain out, I suspected this might have happened in testing so i placed sized cuts of fly screen mesh in the bottom of the plants bucket before i put the clay balls in hoping that this would stop roots from growing through and sitting in the pool of water,, but this has not stopped them i have roots that have grown through the bottom and now sit in this pool, The are pretty much white but have a very slight bronzie,brown colour to them and i mean slight as in i cant tell if its really there or just the lighting in the room, when i had a very quick look at them. Also noted somehow there is a slight green algae in the bottom of the bucket, not visable on the roots but there on the bottom bucket.

Plant Problems:
1.Lower and a very small amount of mid height leaves are wilting with some twisting, have rubbery leaf stems some also go slightly brown but they all fall off or are that easy to bump or shake plant and fall off its not funny.Could this be happening from not enough light getting to these lower leaves?

2.Mid to upper leaves have edges curing up with some tips twisting a little and feel dry and brittle, This is very much more apparent on the area that is closest to the oscilating fan, can too much fan force cause this issue?

3.Random older large fans have what looks like rust spots around the mid area of the plant. Results from water pool in bottom of bucket?? otherwise no idea on this one..

Could the roots in water pool cause all these issues if so what should i do? try and pull up the plant buckets and trim off the roots that are touching this pool?

Thank you everyone for taking your time to read and help out, this is my first indoor and its been fun.


Sorry about some of the pics being a bit blurry.
Pics: The smaller plants were from a second batch a clones and went in a little later as i lost more then i thought i would on the first attempt of cloning.
1 wilted rubbery, 2 rubbery wilt/twisted and fell off, 3&4 curled edges 3 being the worst area, 5 spot and curled, 6&7 spots, 8&9 the gang,10 a flower starting.


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