WARNING !!!! PIG's on the move....back to the underground.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Every evening I see stories on my Ontario news channels of black market busts. The pigs seem to be really mobilized to kill all BM activity they see. Of course this is driven by the LP and legal stores whining they are loosing millions to it.
Back to the underground I'm afraid for a lot of guys.
Looks like they are doing any underhanded techniques they can.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Why is Weedmaps gone? I didn't know that.

Well we still have Weedmaps here I see.
Only legal stores on weedmaps now. Nobody needs weedmaps to find those slum holes. Weedmaps bent over to the man.
The only thing you'll find there now in canada is legal floor sweeping boutiques. Selling taxed and nuke stale hypocrit floor sweepings. Sold by SELLOUT bend over types who figure cannabis belongs to them.