Warped leaves! Any ideas?

I have a few plants that are starting to warp on me. I had one the other day do it in the sun, the day after I had put them in the sun all day. So I moved that one back into the shade. So I thought it was heat damage at first. Now several days later I am seeing it on a few plants. Are they just weaker growths that can't handle the sun yet? Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
its either that, or a genetic problem.

That plant just doesn't look right to me.. IMO.

I would just start over bro.. leave that plant alone though and see what happens. Let it do its thing.. and see how it turns out.

Or, you could just go ahead and chop it down.. save the stems and leafs for making some hash. That's what I would do...personally.

But if you want, just leave it alone and let it try and sort its self out. Sometimes plants do that on their own..

But, while that one is left alone.. I would go ahead and start up another plant. That's MO. ;)

Good luck either way though.



Well-Known Member
It is not genetic. It comes from a change in light...either type..cfl to hps to outdoor, or intensity...indoor to outdoor. Changing the light cycle will make leaves "spin or curl" they will grow out of it. They need consistant conditions. Most people blame genetics when it simply is an oversight, like you are dealing with. Keep the plant in the same spot, and try to be consitant with time and feeding schedules to get the best results. If you ever have to pull a plant out of flower and put it back into veg cycle, then you will know what I mean...single leaf growth versus the 5 fingered leaves we are used to seeing...bottom line your are fine. keep em in or keep em out! It takes a few weeks to correct itself, and moving them back and forth will only prolong the problem. good luck.