Was it really helping that much?


Active Member
So, last season in football i had a huge knee injury. I tore two tendons, my MCL, dislocated my fibula and my kneecap as well as the cartilage under my kneecap. For a while i was medicating myself because i thought it was a lot better than using insane amounts of advil. I stopped the other day and since then it has been swelling, my joint has been locking, my leg is completely lacking strength to even do my rehab exercise. Was medicating really helping me that much?


Well-Known Member
no it wasnt. put some ice on it and take some advil. they should have given you some vicodin or percocet


Active Member
Yes, but go to a doctor your leg (from your description) is fucked up. MJ may take the pain away, but what you are describing is a fubar-ed leg that sounds more like it needs surgery. On the other hand, if I read your letter right, it sounds like once you stopped MJ then symptoms occurred or returned. In that case MJ was working, but it can not address the underlying cause, only the pain and inflammation.

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
yeah, start self medicating again see if it helps. but it wont make it go away, for sure.


Well-Known Member
i had a similair injury.

stress affects your blood pressure, which in turn affects your inflammation... the more stressed/active, the more inflammation. inflammation = pain, as im sure your well familiar with.
if self medicating via MJ keeps you relaxed, then stay with it man... but a lil NSAID goes a long way.
Aleve is the best, imho.... ibuprofen (advil) is nice, but its harsh on the stomach, and nowhere near as effective as naproxyn sodium (aleve)


Active Member
just thought i might give you guys an update..im seeing the surgeon on monday, they think its a meniscus tear (cartilage)