Was Trump stupid for claiming credit for "the vaccine" , will Democrats use that to fuck him in his fat ass as their own vaccine regret intensifies?

What you call disingenuous is plainly correct. You imply that your anecdote means something generalizable.
Your use of the term anecdote is disingenuous in this situation due to the fact that ANY answer to the question itself would be an anecdote by definition, therefore your use of the term in effort to discount my response to the question is not steeped in truth of principle.
Is the very high "vaccination" rate because people were clamoring for it or is it because a controlling government was pushing people towards that by imposing loss of freedom of movement, lockdowns, forcible quarantine, etc. ?

Good ideas don't require force. On the other hand, repelling bad ideas, like mandatory poisonous injections that violate consent...no wait, you guys gave up your guns, never mind. So sorry.

Assange? Him, Caitlin Johnstone and Crocodile Dundee are the best things about that prison colony you live in. They don't force you to drink Foster's beer do they? Cuz that shit is evil! :D
No one has been forced into it.
Most my friends have guns. We have more guns now than when we introduced gun and gun licensing laws. They just happened to work well and some Americans cannot get there head around that..
Most of Australia didn't have any lockdowns at all. Most of Australia was covid free for much of the pandemic.
Australians have always had a high vaccination rate. Guess its because seeing a doctor is free and our education system whilst not being close to perfect doesn't discriminate as much as some. We also chased out Murdoch and he only has a small following of his crazy right wing religious nutter beliefs here. Its still a concerning high influence though. Thank fk we all vote
Fosters is shit. Not even brewed here and very rarely sold anywhere. The Poms love the stuff.

Older news but a good read:
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Can you explain what is so obvious?

Yes, I can. Trump, being an egotistical douchebag, tried to hop on the "I will save people from covid" train, when he was crowing about the "vaccine".

Now, if he had any brains, he'd admit he fucked up and the "vaccine" is a huge failure. On the other hand, he could be controlled opposition and his job could be to herd people into the figureative gas chamber for a hot shower.
My father said it is best to not argue with fools and idiots. He had good advice.

My father said somebody who called you a fool without being able to refute your argument, is probably unable to refute your argument.
you cannot provide examples that validate your belief structure.

Yes, I can.

My belief structure is based in the idea that people who leave others alone (don't take their stuff or use offensive force against them or threaten to) are doing it right. Those who don't abide by that are doing it wrong.

Which of those types of people would you prefer to associate with ? You seem very reluctant to commit to the obvious.
Yes, I can.

My belief structure is based in the idea that people who leave others alone (don't take their stuff or use offensive force against them or threaten to) are doing it right. Those who don't abide by that are doing it wrong.

Which of those types of people would you prefer to associate with ? You seem very reluctant to commit to the obvious.
You mean like forcing pilots to man your flight ?
So, people who didn't comply with vaccination, lockdown horse shit were able to travel freely and suffer no loss of movement etc. ?

Hop on a plane etc. ?
Of cause not, We had quarantine.. The Country and its Federal States had their own rules. We are a country of states. Our states have actual border powers against the Federal Government. Shame the whole world didn't just go with erridication as the only option at the start. If the world had of only just shut down for 3 months way back when then.... A moment lost.

My State was pretty much fine to travel wherever as we were a covid free island. So it didn't effect me at all apart from 3 weeks, which the gov paid us for. Was way less tourists which was beaut.
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Can I come to Australia on a plane from the US right now, without having any vaccines in decades? Good god, conservative Aussie women are some of the hottest babes on earth!
You appear to be saying two opposing things at once. First you say nobody was forced. Then you say people were quarantined.

Have you had too much Foster's beer mate ?
No one was forced to have the vaccine. Travel wasn't made much easier for vaxed or unvaxed. Quarantine was quarantine. We didn't have Covid in the state so no risk to anyone, vaxed or unvaxed you still had home quarantine at home when arriving back.

Im drinking XXXX Gold atm. Just had a nice J.
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No, that is not what I mean. What is your point ?
You saying the government stopped your freedom is bs
Peoples concerns and common sense stopped it
You demanding others serve your beliefs is the very thing you claim to oppose
So everyone has to fuel your vehicle, pour your coffee and fix you food along with all the other employees who logistically make that happen so you can ignore a pandemic based on feels
Sounds like others are being forced to accept your ultimatums in your Utopia
But sure mean old goberment stole your freedumb
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No one was forced to have the vaccine. Travel wasn't made much easier for vaxed or unvaxed. Quarantine was quarantine. We didn't have Covid in the state so no risk to anyone, vaxed or unvaxed you still had home quarantine at home when arriving back.

Im drinking XXXX Gold atm. Just had a nice J.
O Aussie beer Joke.!!!

Why do Queenslanders drink XXXX?

Because they can't spell Beer!
Yes, I can. Trump, being an egotistical douchebag, tried to hop on the "I will save people from covid" train, when he was crowing about the "vaccine".

Now, if he had any brains, he'd admit he fucked up and the "vaccine" is a huge failure. On the other hand, he could be controlled opposition and his job could be to herd people into the figureative gas chamber for a hot shower.
Trump never FORCED people to be vaccinated. That was done by Biden. 1st round, second round, third booster and the 4 booster ALL BIDEN. Don't be a nut like the rest and change the order of events. Stop being a hateful Democrat. Since the beginning of ancient politics it is the liberal spectrum that are always the people leading to death and destruction. Republican are more conservative. (You should look up the definition of conservative). This is still true everywhere in the world. History indicates that Communism, Socialism and Liberalism always lead to the end of a society.