Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast


Well-Known Member
You spend 25 bucks on a lousy haircut? A friend of mine cuts my hair for free. Well, maybe a cup of coffee and a bong hit or two. :lol:

A "friend"? Truly? I thought your momma cut your hair.

I'm praying Palin runs for the senate. Obama's going to be a great president, but a barrel of laughs he is not. We're going to need someone to keep the Daily Show in business during his long, glorious reign...sorry, term in office.


Well-Known Member
My God! Hillary Clinton spent way less than Sarah Palin did on stuff two years ago! The horror!
One could easily extrapolate the expenses through the 2008 primary season and it would add up. Though I imagine you are correct about the amount being less. For the Breck Girl, mistress/love child payments far exceeded the Palin 'looting.'

Again, it's really irrelevant to me. Party stuff. I was simply making a point.
I never really liked John Edwards or Hillary Clinton anyway. I campaigned during the primary for Obama precisely for this reason. I don't think I would have voted for either of them if they'd gotten the nomination.
I think I read where he goes to the same barber he has for years. I respect that.


New Member
I don't know anyone who cuts hair and my hair is curly so I can't just let anyone do it. Now if I needed carpet, or a roof, or carpentry done I'm hooked up.
Well, just think of all the poor homeless people who can't afford any type of haircut at all. And here you are spending $25 a pop. Do you realize that $25 will keep a homeless person in food for a month? Or at least crack for a couple of days?

Now, don't you feel guilty? :mrgreen:


wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
Vi, can you send a link to any one of your many grow threads? I'd seriously like to go check one out to see what you're smoking lately. Oh wait, what's that you don't actually have one and just come here to hear yourself talk and have political arguments.... My bad sorrrry.


New Member
Vi, can you send a link to any one of your many grow threads? I'd seriously like to go check one out to see what you're smoking lately. Oh wait, what's that you don't actually have one and just come here to hear yourself talk and have political arguments.... My bad sorrrry.
If you'll go to the "Newbie" forum and use the search engine to look up my posts there, you may be surprised.

Now then, did you have anything positive to add to the discussion at hand?



New Member
This is a political site, and I don't see any rules that say you must be a pothead to participate, although I know Vi to be one. Does ex-pothead qualify or should I remove myself from the mix. I'm sure there are more than one right-winger that would love to see that. In fact being an ex-pothead would lend credence to the fact that pot is not addictive, would it not. So I can be the posterboy for pot being non-addictive, give all you potheads more of a chance of getting your reveranced pot legalized. Me, I could care less. I'd love to see it de-criminalized. Making criminals out of people smoking herbs is in and of itself a crime in my book. I give all you potheads equal status, I don't look down on your drug altered state as being inferior, I also don't hold with the notion that it is superior either. Of course there are exceptions.

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
One could easily extrapolate the expenses through the 2008 primary season and it would add up. Though I imagine you are correct about the amount being less. For the Breck Girl, mistress/love child payments far exceeded the Palin 'looting.'

Again, it's really irrelevant to me. Party stuff. I was simply making a point.
I think John Edwards was paying her out of his personal wealth, which is pretty sleazy but not illegal. But I'm grateful he didn't win, especially after this. The man was a trial lawyer who made his millions manipulating people, and I can't stand him.

I think I read where he goes to the same barber he has for years. I respect that.
Yeah, although something tells me his hair isn't all that hard to cut. He also still gets his suits at the same place he always has. Apparently they cost like $1500 - $2000 each. It seems a lot for me to pay for a suit, but not when you're a senator or presidential candidate.

When I was campaigning in the primary for Obama, I had a few lighthearted reasons to vote for Obama for people whose eyes glazed over at the mention of policy proposals. One was that every morning Hillary Clinton would need to spend about an hour and a half getting her hair and makeup done. Obama could roll out of bed, jump in the shower, and be good to go. Think of how much more he could get done in that time!


New Member
I live in famring land. There aren't any homeless people walking the streets here. It's not like I have a stylist that costs 30K per year or anything.

We can't all mooch free haircuts like you, do you realize that people who cut hair are people too and it is what they do for a living? My paying someone for a hair cut supports the economy more than your mooched hair cut does.

Well, just think of all the poor homeless people who can't afford any type of haircut at all. And here you are spending $25 a pop. Do you realize that $25 will keep a homeless person in food for a month? Or at least crack for a couple of days?

Now, don't you feel guilty? :mrgreen:



New Member
I live in famring land. There aren't any homeless people walking the streets here.

So, you're perfectly content with letting the homeless walk other streets, in other towns, but NOT YOUR'S? What kind of compassionate progressive are you, miss? Why, Obama wouldn't approve of this attitude at all. After all, aren't we all supposed to share the pain as well as the wealth? Now get out there and lobby for equal homelessness in each and every town in America! After all ... it's the only FAIR thing to do. :blsmoke:



New Member
So should I burn 2 tanks of gas driving 200 miles to look for homeless people? You really are in idiot aren't you? There aren't homeless people walking the streets here because we are caring in this area, a person can always find someone's couch to sleep on.

I'm the first person to invite people over for a meal if they need it. You really don't know shit do you, go stick your head back in the sand, please.


New Member
So should I burn 2 tanks of gas driving 200 miles to look for homeless people? You really are in idiot aren't you? There aren't homeless people walking the streets here because we are caring in this area, a person can always find someone's couch to sleep on.

I'm the first person to invite people over for a meal if they need it. You really don't know shit do you, go stick your head back in the sand, please.
Well, I never would have considered that you would have a bunch of homeless people sleeping on your couches, miss. Very commendable of you, I must say.

And no ... I don't think you should be driving 200 miles to look for homeless people, we have the federal government to do that. That's why I said you should "LOBBY" for equal distribution of the homeless. Come on miss ... be an upstanding Obama supporter! Support equality of wealth ... but don't shirk your duty of equally distributing the pain as well. :blsmoke:


PS: Please try to refrain from personal attacks in your responses, miss. Obama wouldn't approve.

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
It must be... bliss, having such a simplistic worldview, Vi. You can support various social programs without being an all-out communist you know.


New Member
It must be... bliss, having such a simplistic worldview, Vi. You can support various social programs without being an all-out communist you know.
Now, now, Dr. Pot ... In reading most of your posts, I would be surprised if you have lost your sense of humor. And by the way, I'm not for eliminating these important social programs at all, in fact, I'm calling for the federal government to create more homeless people in order to even out the playing field a little so as to make things more "fair." :blsmoke:



New Member
So are you saying Vi that the federal goverment should round up the homeless people and ship them to areas of the country where there are no homeless people? Maybe we should ship them in cattle cars since we're going to be Nazi's about it.

I think we should ship them all toe Vi's house, he can get them all free hair cuts.

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
Now, now, Dr. Pot ... In reading most of your posts, I would be surprised if you have lost your sense of humor. And by the way, I'm not for eliminating these important social programs at all, in fact, I'm calling for the federal government to create more homeless people in order to even out the playing field a little so as to make things more "fair." :blsmoke:

I can't follow your weird, twisted "how you think a liberal must think" logic, even enough to get whatever joke you're trying to make. :-?


New Member
So are you saying Vi that the federal goverment should round up the homeless people and ship them to areas of the country where there are no homeless people? Maybe we should ship them in cattle cars since we're going to be Nazi's about it.

I think we should ship them all toe Vi's house, he can get them all free hair cuts.
Yes, miss ... the federal government could round up the homeless and spread them out across the nation. But a better idea would be for the federal government to create MORE homeless people. Just think what they could accomplish in this area by a more rigorous use of the tax code. Why the possibilities boggle the mind!

Oh, and no need to ship them all to my house, miss. The federal government still has over 20,000 unused FEMA trailers they could use. Think of it ... a 12x60 FEMA trailer in every neighborhood in America, all housing homeless people. God Bless our federal government! :clap:

The only other option I can think of, would be to send all the homeless to the country in which you live ... Famring Land. :lol:



New Member
So are you saying Vi that the federal goverment should round up the homeless people and ship them to areas of the country where there are no homeless people? Maybe we should ship them in cattle cars since we're going to be Nazi's about it.

I think we should ship them all toe Vi's house, he can get them all free hair cuts.
round them up...ship them in cattle cars...Vi would probably do an Andrew Jackson and make them walk, you know...a trail of tears for homeless people..


Well-Known Member
Yes, miss ... the federal government could round up the homeless and spread them out across the nation. But a better idea would be for the federal government to create MORE homeless people. Just think what they could accomplish in this area by a more rigorous use of the tax code. Why the possibilities boggle the mind!

Oh, and no need to ship them all to my house, miss. The federal government still has over 20,000 unused FEMA trailers they could use. Think of it ... a 12x60 FEMA trailer in every neighborhood in America, all housing homeless people. God Bless our federal government! :clap:

The only other option I can think of, would be to send all the homeless to the country in which you live ... Famring Land. :lol:


Unbelievable leaps of logic, exaggeration, and nonsense punctuated with a :lol:. Stop lying dude. It's BS and it's getting very boorish. For an older guy you sure need to grow up. I think the only reason you post here is to fight with people. How sad.


Well-Known Member
obama never spent a dime of the millions he made more than the mccain camp... prolly never spent it cause he's the messiah. he can do no wrong..
The liberals don't own 90% of popular media.. maybe that's why the capitalists are so brain washed cause every channel you turn to is for mccain and the republican party.. damn them capitalists.. the daily show, snl, abc, nbc, cbs, cnn, msnbc.. ya them conservative bastards! i think the liberals only have 1 channel, fox news.. damn no wonder they are so mad.



New Member
So Vi, you think that people who make a quarter of a million dollars per year or more are going to end up homeless from having to pay a little more in taxes?

I really feel sorry for people who make a quarter of a million per year, it must really suck to have to live on such a piss ant sum of money.

Hell I bet they'll have to cut down their vacation homes, poor babies, I bet it's just terrible. They'll probably have to sell a couple of cars, maybe cut back on maid service and spend less time shopping for jewelry. I really, really really, feel sorry for them. Boo fucking hoo.........