Watch me hit my bong!


Well-Known Member
Taylor Hewitt
Yeah well sorry to let you know but I fit your criteria.
Thats cool Taylor, The Criteria isnt set by me though its set by the Rollitup board moderator(s).



Well-Known Member

You're a fat Canadian with a bad lisp who sits in his room at home with his parents and records himself having coversations while smoking so that he can feel like he's got some kind of real smoking buddy.



Well-Known Member
Dude, weed is supposed to be relaxing, on that vid you seem to get more and more hyper by the minute. Careful where you get your stuff , might be laced or sumthin. Dont smoke in your parents house without them agreeing, wait until you have your own place, its all about respect. oh who am i kidding, do whatever you want, this is just my humble advice anyways.