Water Causing Burns on Plant Leaves, a Myth?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
we have diffent points here
I am talking about water drops on leaves under a hps and you show me a post with "watering plants on a hot sunny day will scorch their leaves"

I have never grown weed outside, so can't comment on this

my tap water, ec is high (salt content) and in veg I spray the leaves

I have seen your growers and I am far from a noob, if you need any help growing in soil, I will be happy to help

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Now let me get this straight. Water has a cooling affect but you still get burn while you spray with water that has a very high TDS????? Gotta question, why are you spraying your plants with water in the first place?

I have seen your growers and I am far from a noob, if you need any help growing in soil, I will be happy to help
I'll be sure and consult you the next time I run into trouble.
Now let me get this straight. Water has a cooling affect but you still get burn while you spray with water that has a very high TDS????? Gotta question, why are you spraying your plants with water in the first place?

I'll be sure and consult you the next time I run into trouble.
good question, I spay the plant couple of times in veg but its not needed, in the winter ( live in uk), it does increase my humidity a lot, for a few hours, but my humidty sits round 60 lights on (24), in veg so all good

The main time it helps is in the summer when temps hit 30-35c and humidty round 25, spraying the plants and turning a swamp cooler on, brings down the temp a little and increases the humidty loads.

can't see you getting in trouble ;-)


Active Member
Shit man, I gotta go rearrange my magikal weed crystals, electrify my roots and start the flushing process ASAP! Oh shit my plants are on fire because I got some water droplets on them under my HID! Yo, I heard if I water with beer the budz will get me drunk and stoned. I also like to drink bong water.

Fo' Shizzle!
tell you what, get a water droplets on the hid bulb, and your plants could be on fire, be carefull.
I am not a nood, you will work this out very quick if you keep reading my posts


Well-Known Member
This topic is spiraling into the depths of asinine absurdity. As Hansel from Zoolander said it best, The results are in amigo, what's left to ponder?
a: it's beneficial to foliar spray your unrooted cuts for nutrient uptake until they acquire roots to serve this purpose.
b: once they establish roots it is utterly futile to foliar spray unless you are experiencing lockout, and even then, your would be harvest is already grossly compromised.
c: water droplets from a foliage spray may or may not cause burn spots, or leave a residue. There are so many other variables at play such as temp, type of water,RH etc from one persons grow to another. They can however leave calcium despots which clog the stomata, hindering optimal photosynthesis, so again, if you're not seeing burn marks, rest assured that you're efficiency isn't what it could be, however minimal the effect may be. I personally don't enjoy adding workload and performing pointless tasks in my garden such as foliar spraying for nourishment since my roots are working round the clock for this purpose.


Well-Known Member
I grow at 4500 elevation, and have days of 115+ fahrenheit more than not. A few times in the past 12 years I've taken my 100 ppm creek water and sprayed my plants down in the middle of the day and they fucking hated it. Caused wilting, caused sun spots, and generally over-all made the plants stressed the fuck out.

I don't think anyone here is calculating in the sun head index paired with elevation. Not a single person has spoken to the shear differences in environmental factors.

I just don't do it in the middle of the day anymore, morning or evenings only. If the method works for you in the middle of the day, then do it. But for those of us who have watched it hurt our plants in real-time right infront of us, where just not gunna do it in the middle of the day lol. I can wait till the morning or evening.