Water Curing dried bud?


Well-Known Member
I have had a good supply of well cured smoke for a while.

My buddy brought me a bag of really good medical pot. The effects are great but the smoke is by far the HARSHEST smoke I have ever had. If it weren't such a great pain reliever I would have thrown it away. I think the buds were dried but not cured at all. It is alright in the Volcano gives me wicked throat irritation and smoking is downright unbearable.

So can I water cure these dried buds to keep the medicinal properties and smooth out the unbearably harsh smoke / vapor?


Active Member
I had the same problem and this improved it 100%. I placed the weed along with a small amount of lettice leaves into a bag and vacuume sealed it. I left it for 3 days then removed the lettice.


Active Member
use orange it work just like the lettuce but it wont mold nearly as fast or not at all and adds alittle flavor as well :P


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your replies!

This stuff isnt a little dry, it is so harsh that I have a "hangover" this morning. I was asking if I could do a full 7 day water cure on buds that have already been dried.

What I dont know is how well the dried buds will rehydrate and then cure - but I am going to find out because I cant tolorate the smoke.