Water emergency


In the long and short of things:

If I normally water with RO and nutes added. I cannot get jugs of RO until tomorrow and my system is down. Could I use the garden hose to water them without being punished severely? A heat wave has dried things out and no better time for things to malfunction haha

I'm in my 2nd week of bud running indoors.

I know the ph and ppm/ec will be different. But after my morning check I'm worried...



I was told that distilled water has 0 ppm which affects the plant uptake. I don't know the exact reason, but that's why I haven't used it yet. Any truth to That?


Well-Known Member
Your right it does have 0 ppm. That's the point, it's removed everything so your left with pure water. Yes you are right you will be lacking some nutes but you can add your own or get by with 1 watering until you get your ro back and running.

It's the chlorine, chloramines are the biggest two you want to remove.

You could also fill a bucket and let it sit for a while or add a dechlorinator.


Well-Known Member
Why not go to the store and buy distilled water if your worried about using tap water.
I've got a small mountain of distilled water jugs pilling up from my dwc bucket haha I also water my soil plants with distilled most of the time. No problems using tap if I don't have distilled