Water in the clone bucket.

Mr. Outdoors

Well-Known Member
I just purchased a cloning bucket and have never used one. It seems to me that having the pump running in the bottom for hours would heat the water. Is my thinking correct? If so does it get to warm? Again if it does get to warm what do you do to cool the water? Thanks in advance...


Well-Known Member
I had a DWC hydro pot which was hard to keep water temps down, tips that I got was to buy a water chiller (expensive) or freeze milk bottles with water which was just to much hassle for me, another tip was to insulate the pot with some sort of aluminium foil, these are just tips people gave me... If you can afford id go with a water chiller


Well-Known Member
If you put the pump on 24/7 it will heat up the water. I was never successful running all the time. Got a timer,( 1 min on/3 min off) and get transplantable roots in a week. And the water doesn't heat up as much. Throw an air stone if you can as well.


Well-Known Member
Warm water in a cloner is a good thing.

In a DWC, cooling the water might become an issue.