water in the hole


I started to dig the holes today for the plants that will be going in soon. The soil is very black, so i figure its kind of rich and not as bad as i previously thought. Only one problem though. When I dug about 18" down i hit water! oh no! now im not sure if the actual water table is that high everywhere, but im pretty sure its because it rained A LOT last week. Either way, if water stayed 18" for a week or so, would that kill the plants?

Also, this is my only grow able spot, so i have to make it work. if i find out that the water will be a problem, i have to grow in pots and either sit the pot in the water-logged hole, which may alos be a problem, or just dig about 12" down above the water and sit the pot in that hole.


Well-Known Member
At 18" deep no it would not kill the plants, but it would kill any roots that were that deep down. That really seems oddly shallow though, I mean where do they bury people in your county if the water table is only 18" deep? If it is always that shallow though, and not just the rain fall then the roots would grow more outward then down, naturally and you wouldn't really have to do anything. If its just that the soil retains water to an excessive degree then your going to want to line the bottom of the hole with gravel and mix in things like perlite to the soil


Well-Known Member
At 18" deep no it would not kill the plants, but it would kill any roots that were that deep down. That really seems oddly shallow though, I mean where do they bury people in your county if the water table is only 18" deep? If it is always that shallow though, and not just the rain fall then the roots would grow more outward then down, naturally and you wouldn't really have to do anything. If its just that the soil retains water to an excessive degree then your going to want to line the bottom of the hole with gravel and mix in things like perlite to the soil

simple, they bury them in the next county over.


Well-Known Member
Dig holes like 24" deep then cut bottoms off of 5gallon buckets or bigger if you can get. Place the bottom less buckets 6" deep in the hole then fill up the bucket with your soil and plant your plants in there. You probably won't have to water. Swamp tubes, look them up. There great


Active Member
when i dig my holes early in the year. most of the time i run into water somwhere it proll just because of the time of the year once summer comes around im sure it will dry up a bit .. if not then u can used rasied beds if u dont want to use pots..


Dig holes like 24" deep then cut bottoms off of 5gallon buckets or bigger if you can get. Place the bottom less buckets 6" deep in the hole then fill up the bucket with your soil and plant your plants in there. You probably won't have to water. Swamp tubes, look them up. There great

can i use Swamp tubes in saltwater

Juan Valdez

Active Member
keep in mind that the water table rises in the fall/winter and lowers in the spring/summer, to the best of my knowledge. Thats probbaly why you have water now but it should go away as the growing season progresses. If not, then do the swamp tube idea that was suggested!