Water & nut. Cycle question


Active Member
I've got (4) Blackberry girls that have been growing great.(by the way, i grow in soil)All my levels have been great up till about my 4th week into flowering.My watering/nuts cycle has been water-water-nuts,etc... during the veg cycle.I kept it the same going into flowering, but reduced my nitrogen levels and starting giving them "MOAB"(half-strength) at the third week of flower.It seems that now, some leaves are turning a little yellow (mature & larger leaves) the dark areas form at the center of the leaf, then wrinkle and dry up.I now know that their not getting enough of either NIT./POTASH/MAG/.And if so, is it because their not enough nuts between the watering cycle that i have them on.Should i water-nut-water-nut-etc....I just think their not getting nuts. often enough.
I hope this made since,hope some one can help me pin this down.I've attached some pic's, please take a look.

