WATERFARM SCROG!!!! ..first frightening waterfarm grow....Dr.Amber Frankenstien


Well-Known Member
Wow - been away for most of the spring and summer so far, and thought I'd pop in to see what's shakin.... how's it going Amber, looks like your waterfarms are producing!! I'd better not say too much yet as I have tons of catching up to do first..lol.

I just finished harvesting some nice Pineapple Express a few weeks ago from my latest WF grow...I'll post some pics soon. Great to be back!! :-P

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Good Morning Doc..beautiful plant...this place is turning into yahoo email ads,lol.......watch...

yeah this place is ewwy goowey strange

hey Dr. Amber,
Long time. No see.
Where have I been?
you saw these as babies...

View attachment 2282185
that is fuckin beautiful~!

yeah pretty sad place this has turned into

but a lot of fun memories
very fucked up place indeed . i get no respect here. I still dont have my personal messaging and can not rep anyone. no fuckin respect. and now after growing this award winning plant.. a plant that produced One pound 2.5 ouces of the finest quality Sativa medicine. what ever i got another journal at a much much cooler website called bubbleponices. NOW THAT PLACE FUCKIN ROCKS!!!!!
Me Soooooo Horney.Me love You Long Time.5 Dollar
your hysterical.

Wow - been away for most of the spring and summer so far, and thought I'd pop in to see what's shakin.... how's it going Amber, looks like your waterfarms are producing!! I'd better not say too much yet as I have tons of catching up to do first..lol.

I just finished harvesting some nice Pineapple Express a few weeks ago from my latest WF grow...I'll post some pics soon. Great to be back!! :-P
DUDE! missed you!!!!!
glad to hear your doing well and still kickin around with the WAterfarms.
I love you DAYZT, you know i always have and your a hero to me..! you are a true inspiration as a writer and gardener and cool all around dude.
I remember the time ... a true turning point in my life.... after i got my waterfarm out of the box and i was so very intimidated by all the parts > i told you that i was returning it and you said" NO!!! " you picked me up and encouraged me soldier on! and i did , that was a real turning point in my gardening career. I went hydro for the first time and have now been able to achieve such magnificent monster award winning plants. Thanks from the bottome of my heart! Im baked on Casey JOnes. a fine fine sativa medication with powerful muscle relaxing strengh and cerebral energy.


Well-Known Member
Dr. Amber.. paging Dr. Amber.. woah i've been waiting for you to get back.. i felt the same way about my waterfarm.. and it took me a while to actually... just do it.. but after seeing your run.. wow.. your yeild was 18.5 zips!! craziness!! Sativa to top it off.. nice work!


Well-Known Member
Wow - been away for most of the spring and summer so far, and thought I'd pop in to see what's shakin.... how's it going Amber, looks like your waterfarms are producing!! I'd better not say too much yet as I have tons of catching up to do first..lol.

I just finished harvesting some nice Pineapple Express a few weeks ago from my latest WF grow...I'll post some pics soon. Great to be back!! :-P
Hey long time no post! I just came back from the dead as well. Not much on RIU though. I have a PE grow going on bubbleponics. You should come and check it out!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Dr. Amber.. paging Dr. Amber.. woah i've been waiting for you to get back.. i felt the same way about my waterfarm.. and it took me a while to actually... just do it.. but after seeing your run.. wow.. your yeild was 18.5 zips!! craziness!! Sativa to top it off.. nice work!
Hey Doc! my pager finally went off!! lol...Yeah craziness I know . I Like NEVER expected that much weight. ever! It will prob be the best grow in my life and im so happy to have experienced it. I guess its like you know you.. theres always that one girl special girl in your life , i think Casey was it.. but who knows. i have these 2 Jack Heres going now..so we shall what will happen... first vid with my new camera.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Hi Dweezie! :hug:my JH #2 didn't make the cut... she was falling too far behind JH #1 , she was stunted and sick. So as luck had it I was gifted a pre 98 Bubba Kush beauty to replace her with... when I received The bubba kush she was in a party cup of soil and started in rockwool looking super healthy!

I carefully removed the soil and rockwool and rinsed her off well in my kitchen sink , spraying her roots with the sink hose. I got almost all the soil off the roots.
I took out half of the hydroton pebbles from the farm and then placed her in the farm and covered her back up with the pebbles. I realize this is pretty brutal and do expect some significant shock in the next week or two. but as of now.. she looks terrific and seems really happy.

I fimmed Jack Herer a few days ago and shes making a nice recovery already.:-P

Pre 98 Bubba Kush.. so excited to be growing her. I have heard nothing but awesome reports on this strain. I have yet to smoke her..:weed:

bubba kush transplant and pot leaf mask 001.jpgbubba kush transplant and pot leaf mask 003.jpgbubba kush transplant and pot leaf mask 005.jpg

Jack Herer after a fim job...recovering very nicely.
bubba kush transplant and pot leaf mask 010.jpg
Jack Herer to the left and Bubba Kush to the right!
bubba kush transplant and pot leaf mask 012.jpg

and the one and only..
weed miester:hump:
bubba kush transplant and pot leaf mask 014.jpg


Well-Known Member
DGT ^^agreed

ha ha Doc

Pre 98 Bubba Kush.. so excited to be growing her. I have heard nothing but awesome reports on this strain. I have yet to smoke her..
i can get sum crosses toya

i got sun dats 1/2 bubb now got sum 3/4 bubb cumin in next

sendin good Karma yo way mah

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Nice work Dr! You should get some lovely buds from those babies :D
Thank you Easty! The Jack herer Is so PRETTY! I tried fimming her but she didn't fim? Im really not sure what is happening or happened. I thought I did a fim but it didn't work. I have had some plants in the past not take a top or fimm.. you know not branch out ... Im not sure why they do this. I am waiting to try again but I get this weird vibe not to right now.. its like shes to pretty to top with her nodes so tight. Has that ever happened to you?
awesome mask Doc.
Thanks 2 easy!
sucks this place has you on lockdown. who'd you upset? don't let em get you down. power tripping fools
im not sure what you mean man? lol. .your a trip. but thanks for the concern sweet cakes.oh that reminds me.. I think you should get the morph suit like you want to. and like look soooo super hot in it.. with your new cycling figure. I bet your girlfriend would like it too! It could be like the mufkee crew super hero weed outfit.

DGT ^^agreed

ha ha Doc

i can get sum crosses toya

i got sun dats 1/2 bubb now got sum 3/4 bubb cumin in next

sendin good Karma yo way mah
thanks for thinkin about me! but no thanks, im good , got plenty.

I threw a lite weight tomato trellis net on the bubba kush, shes doing pretty well.
No droop, no significant growth. Im not sure shes growing at all yet but looks good for such a shocking transplant.
The Jack Herer looks phenomenal. My fimming job I didn't take. I will just try topping her soon.
wow! im so excited.. 5 minutes till lights on with my Fruity Pebbles OG!!!!
here she is .. sexy isn't she
swelling pebbles 005.jpgswelling pebbles 008.jpgswelling pebbles 011.jpg


Well-Known Member
Mr Amber Trich with long hair:shock: I remember you saying he was growing it ages ago. Nice mop he's got now eh!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i was just meaning who's taken your privileges, anyway not important!

i'm still a bit podgy for the morph suit.. lycra shorts and a jersey i can do lol that's power rangery enough haahah

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I feed mr trichome lots of high grade quality weed and he slips into anything my heart desires.lol
yeah dst, his hair is a mop. After countless bad haircuts he refuses to let anyone touch his hair. They never do what he wants them too, so hes been on lock down for a while. not even a trim.im surprised its holding up so well. lol,

ive been super lucky 619ster for getting these power house clones these last few months in such a loser town. I just happened to meet up with a couple seriously cool cats with big hearts,exellent strains and willing to share the luv.

im so into that lycra Breeders boutique line of clothing. I will want to order a swimmers bathing suit, lycra shirts.. both short and long sleeved and a pair of lycra biking pants and shorts.

Donnie, I did finally get my pm privys back a while ago after a year of whinning. oh and I see that post about bubbleponics being so great.. well it ends up it sucks ass and they banned me.lol..I still cant believe it .I miss madginnypig.oink oink oink.


Active Member
Heya Amber. Sucks about your led's. But the buds are looking very nice and full of crystal. Going to be an interesting few weeks watching them :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
fuck dem bubbleheads, BB crew got this on lock.

quick pictorial using an onion lolz


then you wrap in duct tape, i sometimes cut down a small yogurt pot and put the peat pellet or rapid tooter in it then sellotape over it so it won't fall out. hope you get what i'm meaning. it's not clear from the pic but you only need cut slits up one half then squeeze the bottom half in and it'll snuggly fit.

next time i get a cut n it's going fairyairways i'll do a proper pictorial for you ambz ;)

how's the pebbles doing?