Watering Help

hey guys so my set goes like this :

2 Afghani kush from seed currently in 2nd month of veg
3g pots
platinum Led running at half strength
soiless botanic care coco coir aeration

My problem is watering, i am watering once every 4th day and when i check my soil the top layer up to my first knuckle and a half is dry , but anything below that stays moist , i have tried waiting longer to let the soil dry but it almost killed my babies,i also tried poking extra drain holes in the pot i have 3 fans running in there and the humidity rarely tops 60% i was wondering is this normal? what can i do to solve the problem?
any advice will be appreciated . thank you

stay medicated :weed:bongsmilie:blsmoke::bigjoint::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


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Well-Known Member
how big are the plants,
sorry missed the pics thought it was a sig
cant see why it would kill your plants letting them dry a little longer


Well-Known Member
Those plants are still in veg and relatively small so they won't be drinking as much right now, 4-5 days between watering at that size plant and pot size in veg is not unusual.

Since you're running blurple LED's for veg your temps are likely fairly low so you won't get much evaporation and the plants will take longer to dry out the pot. Once you get them bigger in the same size pot you'll see them drying out faster, flowering even faster.

Plants look fine, smaller one looks like it had a def earlier but if new growth is coming in green you'll be fine.
Those plants are still in veg and relatively small so they won't be drinking as much right now, 4-5 days between watering at that size plant and pot size in veg is not unusual.

Since you're running blurple LED's for veg your temps are likely fairly low so you won't get much evaporation and the plants will take longer to dry out the pot. Once you get them bigger in the same size pot you'll see them drying out faster, flowering even faster.

Plants look fine, smaller one looks like it had a def earlier but if new growth is coming in green you'll be fine.

thanx for the love man and yeah the lido one did have def earlier on , that was my bad i got complacent . i think i got it fixed tho also how hot is too hot ? im in cali and even with the leds im seeing temps of 86 to 89 f .


Well-Known Member
can you elaborate for me brother ?
Sure. I used this method (finger) in the beginning and had same issues. So I went out a bought a moisture meter. Still had issues.
In my opinion, the best way is to water to run off. Pick up your pot. See how much it weighs. (I actually used a bathroom scale in the beginning. Eventually you'll get the hang of it and not need scale). Just feel pot on a regular basis and you should feel the difference.
If there is a better way I have not heard of it. Our ladies will go through several growth spurts in their lives, so I've found that trying to keep an exact schedule for watering doesn't always work. No issues since going by the weight method.
Just My .02. See what works for you.
Sure. I used this method (finger) in the beginning and had same issues. So I went out a bought a moisture meter. Still had issues.
In my opinion, the best way is to water to run off. Pick up your pot. See how much it weighs. (I actually used a bathroom scale in the beginning. Eventually you'll get the hang of it and not need scale). Just feel pot on a regular basis and you should feel the difference.
If there is a better way I have not heard of it. Our ladies will go through several growth spurts in their lives, so I've found that trying to keep an exact schedule for watering doesn't always work. No issues since going by the weight method.
Just My .02. See what works for you.

awesome bro i totally get what you are saying and will incorporate that to my routine
as far as the tempeture tho guys i herd anything over 85 f is super bad , is this accurate ? i aske this beacause im seeing temps of up to 89 f even with the led .


Well-Known Member
Sure. I used this method (finger) in the beginning and had same issues. So I went out a bought a moisture meter. Still had issues.
In my opinion, the best way is to water to run off. Pick up your pot. See how much it weighs. (I actually used a bathroom scale in the beginning. Eventually you'll get the hang of it and not need scale). Just feel pot on a regular basis and you should feel the difference.
If there is a better way I have not heard of it. Our ladies will go through several growth spurts in their lives, so I've found that trying to keep an exact schedule for watering doesn't always work. No issues since going by the weight method.
Just My .02. See what works for you.
^^^ Good advice, just keep doing it and you'll get the feel for it, beats any method. And remember, every strain and even pheno can be different, they don't follow watering schedules....


Well-Known Member
as far as the tempeture tho guys i herd anything over 85 f is super bad , is this accurate ?
Wow that's high for a tent running blurple's, your room temps outside the grow area must be high or being affected by outside temps. Insulating the area your room/tent sits in would help. I insulated for both winter and summer and it maintains more even temps through the extreme's.

Differing opinions on this but yeah typically under 85 is more desirable. I've found over time that 75-78F has worked for me in veg and 78-82F in flower. But temps are also related to RH, if you're running 85F and 60-65% RH in veg they'll do fine. If you're running 85F and 30% RH they'll suffer.
Wow that's high for a tent running blurple's, your room temps outside the grow area must be high or being affected by outside temps. Insulating the area your room/tent sits in would help. I insulated for both winter and summer and it maintains more even temps through the extreme's.

Differing opinions on this but yeah typically under 85 is more desirable. I've found over time that 75-78F has worked for me in veg and 78-82F in flower. But temps are also related to RH, if you're running 85F and 60-65% RH in veg they'll do fine. If you're running 85F and 30% RH they'll suffer.

shiiiiiiiiiit lmfao got get that RH up then and yes my outside temp are affecting it ive noticed this by turning my ac on or off , wen its on my temp in tent will drop to a more desirable temp but if i turn it off boy it gets hotter than Satan's penis lol
shiiiiiiiiiit lmfao got get that RH up then and yes my outside temp are affecting it ive noticed this by turning my ac on or off , wen its on my temp in tent will drop to a more desirable temp but if i turn it off boy it gets hotter than Satan's penis lol

could you tell this newbii what type of insulation worked best fer you? pleeeeaaaseeee :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I built my room inside my cold cellar so I framed it and used the Styrofoam-type insulation. Helps reduce cooling/heating and maintain more even temps through the swings in season. Any insulation will work, depends on what you're insulating, some use the batten-type insulation, some the Styrofoam. Nice thing with insulation of any type is it's easy to work with and cost effective, it'll pay for itself in reduced AC requirements alone in no time.