Watering hundreds of solo cups


Well-Known Member
Look into hempy.
Instead of drain holes do a few 2" from the base of the cup to create a small reservoir on the bottom and help with watering, it will help a bit. Maybe you could do some sort of 2 cup system

Milky Weed

Well-Known Member
I think sips may be the way to go. Like a large tray you could put all the solo cups in and they soak up water?

That or 100 drip lines. Or a flood and drain table.

Those capillary mats seem like a good idea too.

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't have any concerns about capillary it's reliable as sunrise, soak the matt then water your plants so the run off connects with the wet matt, so long as you keep the matt in the nutrient it won't let me down.

As Milky says sip is also convenient but I like the simple automation of capillary.