Watering my SCROG


Well-Known Member
This is my first attempt at scrogging. I built a scrog net out of pvc to fit in my 4 x 4 tent in which I have total access in the front and partial access on the two sides. I plan on 4 plants and watering the 2 buckets in the back are a problem because there is not enough room to get underneath the net to water because the sides are higher up from the floor than the front. I was thinking about a bucket with a hose attached and a valve to stop the flow. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

MA MED Grower

Well-Known Member
The funnel hose sounds good

Also remember you have to get the drainage out of your drip trays too. Home Depot sells a vac called bucket head. Fits on top of a 5 gal bucket. It could help you with your drainage.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies but I don't have a problem with drainage. The plant buckets sit in a botanicare 4x4x6" tub that I have on a slight incline so all the water drains to a hole that drips into a bucket. So I don't need a vacuum or a pump or drip trays.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you could drill some holes every few inches in some clear pvc (dishwasher drain hose) and coil it around the surface of the bucket then attach that hose to a funnel. Just make sure you anchor the hose well in the bucket. This way though when you water though, it doesn't always pool in the same spot and potentially give you rot or other issues.
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Well-Known Member
using cloth pots as well you think there's good areation between watering and Nute days using drip system