Watering?! *PICS*


Well-Known Member
As soon as I took the picture I watered them. Pretty much about the size of a water bottle... So 16oz? Might have been too much. Sorry...

I must go to work here soon, but as soon as I am off I am going to go get a 4-5gal bucket. That way, I will be covered on the bases regardless.

If both of those things dont work, I am going to burn my neighborhood down.

:( :( :(!


Well-Known Member
you know this sorta thing happen to me once when i used superthrive... i have stoped using it for MJ... i dont think superthrive and MG soil matched well...hehehe... maybe it was just me..lol... hey so what sorta water testers you got... ph,ppm...? digital? strips? Just wonderin...


Well-Known Member
Okay... now I have some better time to respond..

Like I mentioned, I watered them about 1 water bottle each. I went back and checked an hour later and they were looking a little better.

I just re-read all the water entries I made on this thread. I notice that at 38.5 hours they looked the best, and at 48 hours they began to sag and at 62 hours they looked terrible.

So, have we determined that a good cycle for me to water is every 48 hours?

Also, as GreenLeaf suggested, and I agree with, I should get larger pots. I know this may not be part of the problem, but it could be part of the problem too! Besides, it wouldnt hurt to transplant these babies. I am fine with paying the $5 for new pots.

Gen, it is rocket science to me. I had some booming, beautiful plants and then something went wrong... I did as you suggested with the lifting of the pots right before I left. I hope I am able to remember the difference between the two weights. Thank you for suggesting to do it last night while dry and again this morning after watering. I wouldve totally forgotten.

This is a picture approx 1 hour after watering them:



Well-Known Member
you know this sorta thing happen to me once when i used superthrive... i have stoped using it for MJ... i dont think superthrive and MG soil matched well...hehehe... maybe it was just me..lol... hey so what sorta water testers you got... ph,ppm...? digital? strips? Just wonderin...
I have a pH kit. It's the type with the vial, the drops, you shake it up, and hold it to the little color swatch to see the pH level.

I also have one of those 2 prong things that tell you light, moisture, and pH... That thing is a total piece of fucking dog shit. I have had the pots completely saturated with water, and stuck it in there and it reads in the red zone of DRY. I need to return that piece of fuck.

I dont have a "ppm" tester.


Well-Known Member
Hey giving them a transplant is allways a good idea if the room is there... fresh nutes and the plants love it... so hell yeah get some bigger buckets...


Well-Known Member
Well shit... Not to be all snooty and shit... lol... but you may want to get yourself a good tester....I have plenty of friends that grow with the ph strips and they have issues with it... its not the same to feed 6.0 ph or 6.7 yet you cant really tell to well on those strips... maybe my friends are blind..lol...

I recommend a digital tri tester... reads all three ph, ec and ppm..
Something like that.... Another 100$ eh?..lol... You can get diferent models for cheaper.... you can by the ph tester for $50 and go from there....

But i am thinking your gonna find a root problem on the one on the right... cant wait for you to transplant so we can see.... lol


Well-Known Member
48 hrs to 60 sounds good to me... Sometimes they drink more than others....like i said ...it depends on the environment...does the unit stay the same no matter what?... I mean i grow in the garage...so outside temp affects me allot... Ya dig.. Sometimes i water every 2 days..sometimes every 3 days...


Well-Known Member
I do agree I could do good with a nice digital pH tester, but right now I just cannot allot the funds for it. Hopefully if I can make it through this first grow, and decide that I want to do another, then I could invest in one. So far I felt like I had a great natural ability for growing and now I suck... so, another $50-100 wouldn't be good right now :). The their whole lives the plants looked great until now, so they must've enjoyed their current pH.

lol, the pack of smokes is an empty pack. I quit smoking and I had an empty pack laying near my closet and I just used it to prop up the light. It's been there ever since. It's just something to prop up a light, nothing scientific :) lol

I'm excited to transplant too. My bet is that there are a shit-ton, massive amount of roots... Plus, there are going to be some dead, brown shit roots in the tangle. It's going to be a mess.

My unit stays about the same. It's in my bedroom closet, in the box. The temps always are about the same during peak. When the plants were smaller, the peak was always around 85F. Now the lights are raised, so the peak is around 80ish... Then at night they drop to about 67F... Sometimes not even that low.

If the babies can just hang on, I will have enough room for them in their bigger pots. Im fine with riggin' up some ghetto shit until my light/cooltube get here.


Well-Known Member
I do agree I could do good with a nice digital pH tester, but right now I just cannot allot the funds for it. Hopefully if I can make it through this first grow, and decide that I want to do another, then I could invest in one. So far I felt like I had a great natural ability for growing and now I suck... so, another $50-100 wouldn't be good right now :). The their whole lives the plants looked great until now, so they must've enjoyed their current pH.

lol, the pack of smokes is an empty pack. I quit smoking and I had an empty pack laying near my closet and I just used it to prop up the light. It's been there ever since. It's just something to prop up a light, nothing scientific :) lol

I'm excited to transplant too. My bet is that there are a shit-ton, massive amount of roots... Plus, there are going to be some dead, brown shit roots in the tangle. It's going to be a mess.

My unit stays about the same. It's in my bedroom closet, in the box. The temps always are about the same during peak. When the plants were smaller, the peak was always around 85F. Now the lights are raised, so the peak is around 80ish... Then at night they drop to about 67F... Sometimes not even that low.

If the babies can just hang on, I will have enough room for them in their bigger pots. Im fine with riggin' up some ghetto shit until my light/cooltube get here.

oh yeah no problems shit... I have to tranplant my ladies today as well... and i dont have enough 64 oz cups..lol... well i guess i can hit am/pm and buy some @ $.33 each...lol... but then i would have to get up...oh man..too much drama... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
How big of drainholes would I drill into the bottom of a 5gal bucket? and how many?

I think i used a 7/16...(well stepping it up from a predrill) hell im sure you could use 1/2 inch or even an inch... have you seen the size of those holes that they put ont he plastic pots we buy?... there like 1 inch squars...

I think i drill like 6 going around... spaced apart evenly... 5 or 6.. you want them so there is no excess water being held in there.. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i did, am i supposed to read ur 11 pages? and pics r not that old, whatever dude just tryin to help,if its not good well wtf ...