watts vs distance (qb 132)

planning a qb 132 grow and i'm wondering about watts vs distance between plants and light. most people seem to run qb 132's at approx 60w and 18" above canopy.
i'm thinking of running more boards (to get the same coverage) closer to the plants at lower wattage. in theory a qb 132 @ 60w & 18" above canopy should provide the same intensity as a qb 132 @ 30w & 12" above canopy.
this set up would require more boards and drivers, so more cash to set up but should have a lower electric bill to run.
this would also reduce height issues..
so anyone doing this? is this even a practical idea?


Well-Known Member
in theory a qb 132 @ 60w & 18" above canopy should provide the same intensity as a qb 132 @ 30w & 12" above canopy.
That's not exactly how it works, but yes if you use more boards to produce a similar amount of light then you can go closer.