Way to much ph up

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Turned the light back on after 7 hours and looked at temp. 54 degrees and 65 humidity during the dark. It's usually between 70 and 75 degrees with 35% humidity with the light on. The plant that had drooped was perked back up. I haven't read anything about over nutes yellowing the new growth. Can any one back 420? should I not use nutes until flower? I showed the soil I'm using in an earlier post, does anyone have advice on the soils I'm using?.... Can ph still be my problem? all the plants are looking a ton better than they were 2 weeks ago.....

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Thanks. I have been flushing them for 2 weeks and they have snapped out of it. Now I'm trying to get a handle on what's going on with the newest growth being so yellow on three of my plants and it looks normal light green on the rest...

Also I was wondering through the posts on this site trying to pick up a pointer or two and ran across one guy who thought his plants were showing female pistals on his new growth bud sites. I have the same thing showing on the plant that has all the new yellow growth but the clear hairs are soon followed by new sets of leaves. Is this normal?

Does it mean the plant will be female? That would be awsome because it is th plant that I want to put outside and let it grow into a monster by fall....

Any thoughts or questions? I'll try to get some pictures up today so you can see what I'm talking about....

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I got them out for about 3-4 hours and squeezed the pots to break up the soil. I took some pic's and plucked some of the shade leaves blocking the new growth down low. I'l use the sprout sites for clones later this week, if the yellowing problem quits. I put them back rotating their position under the light again...

Any thoughts on how they are looking?(oops, I changed the megapix on the camera and the files are to big. I'll have to resize them before I can post them) I'm hoping that breaking up the soil will allow oxygen to the roots and release some of the trapped moisture.

I'm going to take the advice that was given and only water without nutes for a while til I get a grasp on what they're trying to tell me.... Thanks for stopping in and helping with my grow....:peace:

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I watered them today with ph'd water of 6. This time I checked the run off. It also ph'd at 6. They are getting some sleep again today. I have made up my mind that I'm going to go to the grow shop and get a heating pad and some cloneing supplies so I can try my hand at that.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Well leave it to me to go for some cloning gel. Buy rock wool, a tray, a dome, and a meter for moisture, ph, and light. The guy talks and talks trying to help teach me how to clone. Winds giving me the gel and some pills to put in the soil when putting the rockwool in soil to help with shock. I finally say I gotta go and take everything but the gel.... So I will attempt the cloning tomorrow....

I bought a metter that is for soil. It gives readings on ph light and moisture. I was skeptical but he told me if it wasn't acurate I could bring it back. I bought a 4.1 test calibrator solution to check the meter now and then, he had a 7.0 but thought the 4.1 would be better for this meter because 7,8, and 9 are so close and 4.1 would be easier to read.

I ph'd the solution and it was dead on. I then tested all the plants. They all tested out between 6.8 and 7.0. I was told that I was probably suffering from nitrogen dif if the ph wasn't off so I watered them with half a gallon water with 1/2 tsp planticillan and 1/2 tsp bio-grow split between all 7. I'll check to see if the new growth greens up by tomorrow. I took more pic's but I guess 2.2 mp is to big? I thought that is what I was using before but I'll try 2.1 mp next time.

I've set up the dome with the Sunleaves Pioneer VII for it's light. I'm going to try some large clones to hopefully flower them quickly for sexing and if their girls I will get some quick samples of what may be in store for next winter.....

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Ok! I finally got my act together and got the gel and pills. I went and got some 4 gallon pots, some pea gravel and mir-grow potting mix. If any of these turn out to be female I will repot them. I took my clones today. 3 from plant A, B, C, D, and E. I took 2 from F and G as they are smaller and I don't want to Kill them I just want to know what they are...


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I also don't know anything about this meter but it claims to be able to measure fertility of the soil. Is that very accurate? The reason I ask is the plants might be using up the nutes from the soil faster than I thought they would and there fore what I thought was a ph problem is actually a lack of nutes. That would explain the yelllowing and why they greened up after I fed them with the mir-grow last week but went back to water and didn't give them enough. What do you think?

I put out a new thread to see if I could get someone to help... I guess it's sit and wait....


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Well, I checked on them and what do you know.... They were actually doing great! I thought I would check and find them all wilted and sad, but they are looking like they have just been freed! The yellow is still there but not so pronuonced, and since I took the cuttings from the canopy it has opened up the low branches to light. I picked up a mist bottle and misted the clones. The dome already had some condensation on it. I hung the light with a parka over it and took 2 of the bulbs out. They are T5 HO 24w bulbs and I don't want to give them to much light. Then put them up off the floor so they won't get to cold.

I gave the plants a small dose of nutes with some distilled water at 6.5 ph. I split a half gallon up between all 7 hopeing to dillute into the water already in the soil. I won't have to water them for a few days I'm sure. Here are some more pic's. I tried to show some before and after cutting pic's so you can see how it opened things up for the lower branches.

I hope to get at least 1 maybe 2 females but wouldn't I shit if all of them were ladies....:hump:



Well-Known Member

I know what your going through. I made similar mistakes and finally when I got it right I was excited too. Funny thing this growing. They are hard to start but once you have roots you got a plant.

Take your clone from the lower portion of the plant because thats where more rooting hormones are stored.

Hey something I just read, You want the mothers to be clear of nutes. before taking cuttings so flush for a week before cutting, take one clone from each plant. Be sure to label them, get them rooted then flower them right away.
In a couple weeks you should know what you have.

Another tip is after the first 45 degree cut and trimming the node make a slice up into the bottom of the stock about 1/4 inch. It will promote rooting.

Clones dont need nutes, they need rooting formula or plain water. Actually the best water I have found is sold through those machines for like 30 cents a gallon. Its RO water at like 40PPMs great for plants. you still need to check the ph though.

Good luck to ya.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Just checked on the clones and they are doing fine. Misted them again tonight and checked in on the parents. They have responded well to the nute boost and are greening up except plant B. It continues to show bright yellow growth. The seeds are bag seeds and who knows how stable the genetics are, it may be a kick back from a grand parent. It sure doesn't look or grow like the others....

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I checked and misted the clones this morning, they seem to be doing better than I expected them to. I guess I've seen so many things on the web that I was expecting them to keal over and die in 12 hours. So far so good... The adults are starting to show more and more green, even plant B is showing some green in it's new growth rather than just yellow. I'm still trying to let the parents dry out but I've made up my mind that I won't be so timid on the nutes from here on out, especially on plants that are almost 9 weeks old. I'm not going to go crazy but I think that so far I have only given them small amounts in their water and not as much as they need. I relied on the nutes in the soil to much.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Here are some pic's. Can you find the plants in the pic? If you can't I nobody else can either. I put a parka over the light to keep the heat in. The condensation on the dome looks good and so do the plants....:blsmoke:


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Well it's been over 48 hours and the clones are hanging in there. I don't want to obsess over them because that's what I did to the parents and got myself all worked up over what turned out to be nothing. I misted them again, third time today. Still look good. I'm using distilled water on the clones til I see root growth. I will wait another day or two for the parents to get a drink, the soil is WET... I am going to start them back on the nutes in the next watering because they are responding to what I gave them 2 days ago.

Any suggestions on the strength? I gave them 1/2 strength last time, should I stay at that or with plants that are 2 months old am I safe going full strength?

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Well I guess everyone thinks it's ok to go full strength since no one has said not to. I misted the clones this morning and again about 10 minutes ago. Some are standing tall and a few have slumped but all in all they look good. I gave the big plants another dose of food this afternoon, not much, less than a half gallon for all 7. I want them to get the food they need but because I had watered them before I took the clones the soil hasn't dried out so I'm giving small doses as not to soak the soil again.... I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings...

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
All is well on day 4 for the clones. I'm going to wait for the roots to show through the rockwool before I transplant instead of trying to check them by tugging, I don't want to damage the roots. Parents continue to grow and look healthy, still waiting for the soil to dry out...

I have to redo my grow room because the plants are out growing it. I wanted low bushy plants, well becarefull what you wish for I guess.....

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I posted another thread to get some answers on the lights for the clones because no one seems to comment on this thread and it seems that I'm good. Thanks to all who helped. Well I spent all day redoing my grow room. I built walls and a ceiling so now I'm going to have to watch temps and get a fan.

I haven't bought an oder control or ventilation system yet because the crawl is vented with outsied air and is large enough to disipate the odor. When I cloned them I had them in the basement and my wife could smell them on the second floor. As the weather warms I'm sure their going to start to reak through the flooring and into the house.

When I built the new room I put it where I could dig down another 12 or so inches to get more head room but because I topped them 3 times they are as wide as they are tall and 7 plants in a 4x4 area take up all the room. I'll get some pic's tomorrow, I'm to lazy to get back sown there.

The clones are still looking great. No wilting or yellowing yet, keeping my fingers crossed. As soon as I see a root they are getting transplanted and going straight to 12/12.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Checked on the room this morning and the overnight temps are staying around 75F with 45-55% humidity. I put them back on 18/6 after trying to dry out the soil with 24/0. The plants are looking great, even B is nolonger sporting the yellow near as much. I'll take that as a sign that they needed everything I gave them. Only one is showing overwatered signs and it's leaves look a little leathery but as the soil dries I'm hopeing that it all goes back to normal. The top of the soil is drying up so I figure it'll be another day or 2 before I feed again, I'll check it with the meter tomorrow night. I will be going to the grow shop today to look at ventilation fans and odor filters. I'll pick up a small fan at wally world for air movement.

I checked the clones this morning also. They continue to look good. Yesterday I took the dome off for about 3 hours and one of the clones started to wilt badly. It was in the corner that was getting the coldest air. When I checked on them today it looked normal again. I guess they don't like the swing in temps.... I accidentialy pulled one of the clones a1/4 inch out of the rockwool when I had tried to put it back after checking the weight of the rock wool to make sure it was damp but not wet. Since it pulled up a little I thought i'd check to see if it had roots and yes there were about 3 small white roots starting. They are about 1/8 inch long. I put it back, misted them and put the dome back on. I hope I didn't hurt it.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I went to the shop today and got the carbon filter, a fan, and a small heater. I was running the light with an extension cord so I ran an electrical circuit to the grow area as I don't want to overheat it with the fan and heater. I will run the ventilation system in a day or 2 with the carbon filter but I went ahead and put the heater and fan in today. I checked on the clones and they're still doing good, and so are the plants. The soil is still to wet to feed so I'll check on it tomorrow night. With the fan I am expecting the soil to dry up a little quicker. I will try to get some pic's up tonight or tomorrow.....:peace: