Way Too High


Active Member
Hi Everybody!

I thought I'd share my "most high" story and hopefully get some other people's too. Here it goes.

So the other day I had something happen to me that has never happened before. I got too high. Not just a little too high, but much, much too high. Most of us have probably heard that song "one toke over the line," well this was about eight or nine very large tokes over the line. Like, trip level high. It was the strangest thing. Here's how it went down.

My friend (we'll call him J) calls and wants to go see a friend of our play at this coffee house. Kinda lame, but I'm bored and agree to go. So, I figure I've got like an hour before J gets here, and decide this would suck much less if I were high. Well, he shows up really early so I light up this grande sized mostly-full bowl (it's about 3/4" wide by an inch deep) of uber-dank herb, I thought I was going to be sharin it, but J whips out some of his own and lights up. Well, he wants to leave quick, so I hurry up and finish it off. Well, about five minutes after we leave I'm thinking to myself, "Oh, shit." So like ten minutes after that we get there and I'm almost non-functional, but somehow I order a coffee (I don't know if I drank it or what) and manage to make it to one of the sofas. This is where it gets trippy. I kept drifting into these dream-like states with the most wicked CEV's, after a while I was starting to get uncomfortable and thinking like an hour had gone by I look at my watch and managed to work out (which took a huge amount of effort) that I'd only been sitting down for about seven minutes. Well, this in and out of consciousness state persisted for almost two hours before I started to drop down to where I normally am when I smoke. This lasted for like another hour and a half before I was back close to baseline. The only thing I can really compare it to would be a strong (390mg+) DXM trip or what I've heard people say after eating way too many edibles (they never really seem to work for me, but that's another discussion). Well that's about it, I went to sleep about midnight and slept till one the next afternoon. Even after that there were some lingering effects for the rest of the night and part of the next day.

It was pretty fuckin' wild and probably the most uncomfortable I've ever been while blazed. Damn near overwhelming. Funny thing is I totally know better, and I did it anyway.