Ways Naggers Bother You

What are the top things that they do to bother you?
I will start by saying when they choose to go to a fast food place and then complain about the place while in line before and after ordering and are rude to the employees and other customers.

People that complain about the weather all the time bug me. "it's too hot, it's too cold, too windy, too rainy, too sunny" It never seems to be just right for these people. WTF???? Just be glad you are here to enjoy another day LOL :D.

BTW, the racism in this thread can stop anytime!
Looky here, fella, I don't just hate Naggers. The message of my books is very simple. Naggers, Jews, Homo-sexuals, Mexicans, A-rabs, and all different sorts of Chinks stink, and I hate 'em!

Let's talk about Chinese people! With their kung-fu and their silly ching-chang-chong talk! We can't understand you! Go back to yer country!

White power!

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You haven't left this property Mr. Bigsby ?....
What if i were to tell you , you were a African American ?
cant see them at night, always stealing shit, the way they talk, the way they act, the way they blame their problems on everyone else, i could go on but you get the point

I hate it when naggers go into a business and tell the owner to give them something, like on Hardcore Pawn.
"What?!?!?! These earring isn't gold?!?!? I need $300 and you gonna to give it to me. I ain't leavin without $300, give it to me now!!!"
"these earrings are plastic"
"WHAAAAT!?!?!?!?!? What did you do wif ma gold earrings?!?!?!?!?!?"
"please take your plastic earrings and leave"
"Ima come back and shoot this place up, MF!!!"

Damn naggers.

I hate it when naggers go into a business and tell the owner to give them something, like on Hardcore Pawn.
"What?!?!?! These earring isn't gold?!?!? I need $300 and you gonna to give it to me. I ain't leavin without $300, give it to me now!!!"
"these earrings are plastic"
"WHAAAAT!?!?!?!?!? What did you do wif ma gold earrings?!?!?!?!?!?"
"please take your plastic earrings and leave"
"Ima come back and shoot this place up, MF!!!"

Damn naggers.

I hate it when naggers go into a business and tell the owner to give them something, like on Hardcore Pawn.
"What?!?!?! These earring isn't gold?!?!? I need $300 and you gonna to give it to me. I ain't leavin without $300, give it to me now!!!"
"these earrings are plastic"
"WHAAAAT!?!?!?!?!? What did you do wif ma gold earrings?!?!?!?!?!?"
"please take your plastic earrings and leave"
"Ima come back and shoot this place up, MF!!!"

Damn naggers.

"But my boyfriend bought them for me, they are REAL!"

That show was a riot.
