

Active Member
Im about to innoculate some quart wbs jars and was wondering how many ccs per jar yall would suggest ive look at multiple teks and none give a distinct answer. thanks


Well-Known Member
.5 cc is all you really need. Once you see white growth give it a shake and it will spread all over.


Active Member
thanks for the answers i went with 1cc but i was pcing some more jars and through certain circumstances stayed in the pc for about 2hrs to long all the water had boiled off. I opened on jar and the wbs still seemed moist but wanted yalls opinion should i scrap them or should they still be good


Well-Known Member
If you opened a jar to check it and it seemed to be moist enough, then it is probably all right, especially if you soaked and boiled them beforehand.


Well-Known Member
if you, uh, opened the jar and looked into it, it is likely that you let something in as well.