We Dont Need A History Lesson.


Well-Known Member

Guess what not only does this Ron Paul cat give free History Lessons but he can also Predict the Future....

Its too bad hes not a "Top Tier" candidate though :lol:

Oh well better luck in 2016 Ronnie!


Well-Known Member
Time news magazine men of the year.jpg

Bohemian Grove Conspiracy.jpg

Doesnt matter who you vote for only the new world order gets in Oh yeah speaking of the new world order hilter was voted man of the year by time mag 1938 Does media work for the people or are people slaves to the media ?


New Member
Wow, anybody recognize the music of the first video "We don't need a history lesson" ?
+rep if you can name the movie that also used this same piece.


Well-Known Member
John Stewart very funny i enjoy him myself but on tv so filed under a tool of the new world order in my book :p