web like fungus while curing


Active Member
Well, it was kinda abvious I knew it was mold when I described it as a fungus, since they are the same thing pretty much. The spider mite description was about describing it. I was hoping someone would be able to have info like "oh, this happened to me, i did this:" or "o shit, I have seen that and it killed my friend stay away". Someone says "Ive got green fungus on my bread" you tell them to throw it away, not "Oh shit son, do some research, its mold!".

When people post going "oh no, my plant has a deficiency, here are pics (i know i didnt have pics, i'm sorry, i felt it was urgent and should do something asap)" it's kinda ridiculous to reply with "oh man, your plants low on a nute". They would obviously know they have a deficiency as there first wording, rewording it, isnt clever, or helpful.

I have done plenty of research and my roommates been growing for years. He told me to just put it out on paper and be done with it and just smoke it sparingly. I had bene hopeing to get second opinions on how safe it is, or what to do. Based on the fact half of the thread was about how its inert now because i cooked it a little, I guess I came to the wrong place? Were you expecting a "omg! its MOLD how did you ever know!? please, you are so incredible! sleep with my sister!". I feel that saying duh as my most disrespectful thing to "its mold" was kinda mild honestly compared to things i have read on this site.

Wouldn't it be crazy if someone could google something, find a page asking the same question and get an actual answer that would help them? Even if not for me, but for the next person to have the issue, because I promise I wont be the last person. I don't go "om, my leaves are drooping a bit, better make a new thread!" I googled it, I used this sites search function, I have been browsing this site for 4 month on a daily basis, I talked to my roommate, then I made a thread. I'm sure it exists on here somewhere, I am just using different words than the last time someone made a thread on it though and can't find it.

So for anyone who does come here looking for actual answers heres what I have: It's likely asparillis (sp?) (i hadnt found this before making this thread) like the worlds most common mold. 98% of people are 100% immune to this and the other 2% are 90% of the time fine. If your immune system isnt working well, or theres an entire lungful of the spores it can cause an infection. Cooking it is supposed to be able to kill the spores and fungus. What I found said 300, but my oven is wonky so i put it a chunk below 300, for 15min. This does not destroy all of the thc but realllllly does not help the quality. It still taste like your grandmas medicine cabinet, but so far 24 some hours later and I don't feel like I am sicker than I had been before trying it (I already had a minor cold). In the future, it's a good idea to keep a better eye on curing and make sure the nugs get some movement, if only to dislodge any possible mold that may be trying to start.


Active Member
I have had the problem before, i did the foliage in the curing jar trick and it made the mold dissipate. It works! Thereafter i smoked my whole harvest. I have been told smoking moldy buds can make you sick at the most. Im not 100 percent sure, The slower the cure the better and thats for sure! Speeding up drying in the oven put it on 125F and cook them in 30 minute intervals and see when there dry, Perfectly dried bud contains 15% moisture, So weight before and after dry. The higher temperatures evaporate the THC quite quickly, Using butane lighters for smoking does aswell think about Torching the bowl, it dissipates THC. Thats why connoisseur tokers like myself get beeline or hemp line for smoking! No butane taste and not THC torching.


Active Member
Oh, sorry. I'm sure it definitely hit the thc% somewhat, doing it at 300 for 15min, but it definately didnt remove anywhere near all of it, unless it started at like 25% which im sure it didnt, unless I got the holy grail of bagseed. To be honest I havent really tried anything but my shitty buds so far, but I'm guessing, 10% (way to throw out half assed numbers, i know).

Either way, I will be trying that beeline thing soon. Where do you get them?


Active Member
beeline and hemp line at Headshops, Mold is formed by moisture inside your plant. You can even add silica gel packs to the curing jar and it will eliminate ALL the moisture, Theres so many things you didnt try..


Active Member
I understand... Why cook it when you can used silica gel packs and marijuana foliage though? Convenience Vs patience is your option. I know which one works best, from my personal experiences stand behind my opinion. At the end of the day your gonna make your on choice for yourself. Best of luck! and burn one for me!


Active Member
To be perfectly honest, even if I had known about that when I saw the mold, it was like 10pm and I don't have a car. If I was lucky, I'd have been able to get some within like 2 days lol