Weedoozie's Nor Cal Greenhouse (ADVICE WELCOME)


New Member
Yo! Today was another nice and sunny day, Indian Summer is great :)
Though I found a little bit more of that mystery webbing but it was again very tiny and up next to the stem. I only saw a couple ants around, no other bugs. I put out ground Saigon cinnamon on the floor of the greenhouse as well as on the pots over the medium of all the plants. I've read this detracts ants. I'm still hoping the webbing was from a protecting spider and not mites or some other bad shit. I included what pictures I could get of the mysterious webbing or netting of whatever the culprit was/is. I don't know if they're gone but Captain Jacks Deadbug has been doing the trick and eliminated all the aphids that were on G.G's clone. G.G's clone is bug free now except for those damn fruit flies that hang around but don't do any damage.

A friend of mine just gave me her dying aloe vera plant so I sprayed it with Captain Jack's Deadbug, transplanted her into a bigger pot with the same mixture of medium as the rest of the plants and set her up in the greenhouse :) I'm hoping the thing grows and from what I've read about Aloe Vera, it's maintenance is like that of a cactus=hella easy :mrgreen:

Here are the pictures:
We have trademarks of our grows established!!:mrgreen:

They are all beautiful as are you my dear friend. Big props to my Weedie!:joint:



Well-Known Member
I finally got around to transplanting the 3 GDP girls, they're now in 5 gallon pots each with roots organic as well as extra earthworm castings and a little bit of black gold. I used superthrive in their last watering so I'm hoping they were "sleeping" when I transplanted them. I don't want to stress the girls out...they're already about 4 weeks into flowering though they were started late and I got them very late in the season. Just hoping for the best now. (Please, no hermies!)

The ground cinnamon spreading I did seemed to have done the trick to get those damn ants away from the greenhouse :) Also did another round of Captain Jack's Deadbug to help deter the aphids I saw hanging around the tomato plants outside the greenhouse. Sprayed all the plants including the GDP's even though they had just been transplanted. I think they'll be fine...

I wonder if the ground cinnamon will affect the taste/smell of the final buds...I'm not worried about it, I love cinnamon. I'm just wondering if it will...


Well-Known Member
High winds from the coast causing me some problems...the ground cinnamon flew everywhere!

It's somewhat on some of my big blue's buds now...i'm not sure this is a bad thing...i don't think it's too bad as there aren't any more ants that I can see or any flying pests, good sign! Although now big blue has a slight orange tint to some of her from the cinnamon. Not the golden sheen of ripeness, but distinct orange cinnamon parts...man I hope I didn't f--- up my harvest with this preventative measure. Any one have any experience with cinnamon on buds? Any info is great!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
You may be the 1st person on this site to complain of cinnamon on your buds. Either way, shouldn't be too much of a problem. Many outdoor growers will spray down their plants before harvest to remove dust, dirt, bird shit, etc. You could probably do the same. Mist them in the early morning so the sun can dry them off.

Maybe you could use a blower to blow off the cinnamon, but it may be too stuck to the sticky goodness. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
i dont know kid :) i like cinnamon ;)
I do too! That's why I'm not worried about it, I was just wondering if the buds may be affected at all...? I haven't found an answer to this question after much research online for one

You may be the 1st person on this site to complain of cinnamon on your buds. Either way, shouldn't be too much of a problem. Many outdoor growers will spray down their plants before harvest to remove dust, dirt, bird shit, etc. You could probably do the same. Mist them in the early morning so the sun can dry them off.

Maybe you could use a blower to blow off the cinnamon, but it may be too stuck to the sticky goodness. Good luck!
Yeah dude, I think I am the 1st! Although, not complaining, just curious about the affects
I don't think they will affect the plants in a negative way, however it would be silly to assume it won't affect the plants at all
Thanks for the blowing them idea (HA!) I'll have to try that out. I wonder if I could use those blowers for dust on computer keyboards? I already have one, which is why I'm asking. I'd like to not spend any $ on it
I don't think the cinnamon will come off with the blowing though, I already tried to blow some off with my mouth but it's stuck to THC I think

ya it just rained on my plants and they are great, as long as the dry out again you should be golden:)
Yeah, good advice, I could get another fan in there if I spray the girls down
I just hope the moisture won't be trapped for too long...


Well-Known Member
If it makes it into some kind of super-pot that also smells/tastes a bit like cinnamon - keep it to yourself. Patent the process and lock down a trademark/tradename. :)
Lol, if that does happen and if prop 19 passes, I could make bank on it
But that's not really a priority ;)


Well-Known Member
Here are pictures from about 10 minutes ago out in the greenhouse.

It's a nice clear sunny day, hoping for some bud swelling. I watered today with some mixed in fertz including the Earth Juice line. Grow, Bloom, Microblast, Catalyx, and Hi-brix as well as a little bit more superthrive for the GDP family and the new aloe vera plant to promote root growth.

Things are going well except I found a little tiny bit of black fuzzy mold on a G.G clone branch that is getting so heavy, its tilting sideways which caused moisture to be kind of trapped in a little part of the bud. I carefully removed the molded part and didn't see any mold after that. I pointed the fan to the area of the mold buildup and let the wind sweep through. I guess it could have been a lot worse so I'm glad.

Cinnamon is literally everywhere but that is not a problem as the insect count is down. The ground cinnamon is really making the greenhouse smell great. Not like it didn't already but now is has a little bit more spice to the scent

Here are the pictures:
As always, see picture caption for descriptions:blsmoke::peace:



Active Member
holy shit thats a lot of cinnamon. i think i wouldve took a wet sponge and wiped of whatever i could. other then the spices things are looking good.


Well-Known Member
looking real good man, im totally jealous dude.. your almost done and I am only day 1.. keep it up man i love outdoor smoke.. i will post some pics of my 2 outdoor ladies later on my site just for kicks and giggles.


Well-Known Member
so someone please enlighten me!! what exactly is the cinnamon used for? sounds like its used for pest control, does it also help with mold?


Well-Known Member
so someone please enlighten me!! what exactly is the cinnamon used for? sounds like its used for pest control, does it also help with mold?
I'm not sure if cinnamon does anything for mold but I know it keeps away ants and various other flying insects that are annoying to have around


Well-Known Member
Oh and I just went outside and started rinsing big blue down because I think the cinnamon will not suit her well. I'm going to leave the cinnamon on G.G's clone as I raised her mother from seed and the cinnamon will suit her already spicy flavors and smells. Also, I just want to see what will happen ()

Big Blue is cinnamon-free on one side now which is being dried off and I will rinse/dry the other side later on


Well-Known Member
them dang knats are a huge problem right now does it help with them? what about mites? Thanks for the new tip! i love this site im always learning something new..