week 4 of 12/12


Well-Known Member
this is week 4 of 12/12 veged under 400 watt mh and then under 1000 watt hps. the only thing i am not happy with is it stayed the same height. i topped it after the fifth node bent it over and let it be until the entire canopy was about a foot tall then i switched it and it has had almost no stretch it is only about 14 inches now if i had known it had very little stretch i would have veged longer but on the up side the buds seem to be very dense and the plant it healthy as can be and was a easy grower that needed no special attention2012-06-09_09-30-44_862.jpg2012-06-09_09-30-55_215.jpg2012-06-09_09-31-09_779.jpg