week 4 with autoflowers, leaves always start burning up!


Ok, I don't get this:

I am growing autoflowers in a grow box. Under cfl's. Use FFoF soil with perlite, and use PH'd rainwater or distilled. Temp is about 70, normal house humidity so that should be fine.

Anyways, every time about week 4, right around when I switch my lights to flowering, some of my leaves start burning up.

The first time I though it was because I over nuted them. Guess not, because this grow, I haven't even given them ANY nutes yet at all!

Don't get it, will try to post some pics but probably won't get them on till tommorrow.

Maybe this is normal with autoflowers? I know it isn't a nute problem...... What else could it be here?


I "know" it is not a nute problem because the same thing has happened this time with TWO plants, and I haven't added ANY nutes yet!

Seems to be older growth, and towards the bottom.......


Active Member
I'm in the same EXACT boat.

But I find the feedback here to be.... sporadic at best (as evidenced by the date of your post 'n no replies.)

Shame.....Rollitup used to be a good place to get info. Seems they've become 'too big to fail.'

Did you figure out the problem?


I'm in the same EXACT boat.

But I find the feedback here to be.... sporadic at best (as evidenced by the date of your post 'n no replies.)

Shame.....Rollitup used to be a good place to get info. Seems they've become 'too big to fail.'

Did you figure out the problem?
IVe been noticing rollit up going down hill to anybody know a better site ?


Well-Known Member
The ones I've grown haven't experienced that. It's not like leaves just start "burning" for no reason. Although I'm not sure why it's happening. If you're not feeding them, the leaves should start dying. If you overnuted them they would also die...maybe you just need to find a happy medium?


Active Member
OK Green Hornet. Close your eyes. Imagine a MJ plant. See it's green, leafy foliage. Now, turn your 'minds eye' to the lower leaves. They are NOT the same rich green as the rest of the plant. In fact, they're a very light green, yellowing actually, in some cases turning brown and dieing.

'Mental' images, yes.....but images nonetheless.



Active Member
I'm having the same problem with normal seeds. I transplanted them into bigger pots with ffof and the tips are turning yellow but they haven't been feed any nutes. I germinated them in ffof as well and didnt have a problem. Been feeding them filtered ph'd water. Hasn't really gotten any worse over the past 24hrs but still don't know why/what is happening.


Well-Known Member
FFOF is fairly notorious hot mix to begin with, and there are almost always pH issues out of the bag for me.
those end up manifesting during flowering in a cascade of lockouts and deficiencies
real hard to track down after that for a new grower...advanced gurus avoid it by instinct

then you get my dumb ass....can't explain anything.
basically, you don't have to give it anything but water and you ARE feeding it....it's the dirt giving you the finger.

i never use it all by itself
i usually mix it with LW......need to check out the happy frog still


Active Member
I've been growin for a few years now. Still haven't got it 'right' (as compared to some of these guys).

Always trying to learn, copy good advice.....but there are just so many variables.

Some of these guys make it look easy.
I haven't found that to be the case.

Maybe getting off my lazy ass and posting more grow reports is the key. Dunno.
Still doing something(s) wrong though.


Well-Known Member
ya um i have never had any problems with OF people just seem to forget that your plant needs more potassium and shit during floering. where do you think all the access N is gunna go when the plant no longer uses it. nowhere, into salt crystals in your soil. cause lockouts, or even a toxicity which seems to be the problem. flushes. thats 2 posts today of almost the same problem. unless you did flush before bloom, in which case tell me.


Active Member
Let me see if I understand you correctly. The Nutrients a plant doesn't need just turn into excess salt?

Never heard that before. But, ok......solution is a good flush when it goes into bloom?