week 7 of flower.. nearlly ready????


Well-Known Member
why would you starve them when they put the most weight on during the last week to 10 days of flower?

buy a pocket scope. you have to look at the trichs to see when they are ready.


Well-Known Member
I like to flush 4-5 days in coco. Haven't found any sense in flushing longer - you lose weight.
When flushing coco I like to add humic and fulvic acids (could be from compost tea or from extracts) to help the taste a bit.

I think you did flush them a bit early and for too long. I would have started a 4 day flush at you current stage and then chop, but considering your situation I would recommend chopping now and get the next run in - you already removed all the nutrients that can make the buds any bigger...