Week 8 Flower - Tiny Yellow Dots on Leaves


New Member
Hi everybody,

Issue: I'm a first time grower currently 8 weeks into flowering my sleeping monkeys from seed and I've ran into an issue that has persisted for the past couple of weeks.
As seen in the photos, many of my leaves have tiny yellow dots on them and almost the entire stem of this one plant has turned purple. The stems are still very green right near the flower and as it enters the soil. The other 3 plants seem mostly unaffected and have exact same watering schedule, nutrients, etc. I changed to 12-12 about 8 weeks ago and this issue started about 2 weeks ago. One of the other plants is starting to show some of the same symptoms but they're very minor. Yellow dots seems to affect plant pretty evenly.
Nutrients: Pure Blend Pro, Hydroplex bloom enhancer, Sweet Raw, Liquid Karma. I use half the manufacturer's recommended dose of each. -> Shown in picture below
Watering: I water a gallon per plant once a week (when the soil is mostly dry down at root level) with the nutrients shown in the picture. I always soak up the runoff water to prevent root rot.
Humidity: 16-25 %, I know this is low but these plants have been doing great with such low humidity since seed so I doubt this is the issue.
Lights: Fluorescent T5 HO 24W -> Shown in picture below.

Any ideas of what could be causing this? I did flush with PH water right before this happened so my original thought was that the plant was starting to eat the chlorophyll in the leaves as it was actually starving. After watering again with nutrients the yellow dots seem to have stopped spreading and the stems have remained purple. I haven't noticed it getting worse, but it also doesn't seem to be getting better. It also seems that the flower growth may have been stunted this whole time as they haven't noticeably grown. Also they seem very small for week 8... or is this normal?

photo_2020-03-03_12-19-45.jpg photo_2020-03-03_12-17-28.jpg photo_2020-03-03_12-19-49.jpg
photo_2020-03-03_12-17-34.jpg photo_2020-03-03_12-15-51.jpg

Starting on one of the other plants:
photo_2020-03-03_12-16-01.jpg 1583263738050.png
Thanks for the feedback guys, greatly appreciated!
If I were to change out the lights this late in the game is it likely they'll have an effect?
Also do you have any recommendations for lights?
Honestly not sure. I'm using a 3ft x 3ft x 5.5ft tent and the current temperature usually sits around 70 degrees F. I'm only using 1 fan blowing air into the tent and have an extraction unit with a carbon filter to take air out of the tent. The airflow seems to be on the higher end with any humidity I add leaving the tent within 10-15 minutes. I could get another fan to increase airflow over the plants if temperature becomes a problem I guess?
The dots appear to be similar to spider mites eating at the plant. Normally the dots are whitish as opposed to yellow, but I'd be checking.

Look at the underside of the leaves with a magnifying glass or loupe for little black dots running around. Look for webs on the plants too.
What type of predators

Ladybugs! You can usually buy them at your local garden centre. They'll merrily live in your grow rooms. The only damage they do is to the pests.

I use Neem oil as a preventative, and I've used ladybugs once in the past when I needed some nom-nom-nom action on a spider mite infestation.
Growing in good dirt you really dont need all those nutrients. Any of the super soils will get you through veg no problem then just top dress with flowering nutes at the start and middle of flower.
The main issue with your plants is they are starving for LIGHT. Any led pannel that consumes around 200-300 watts is going to be worlds of improvement for you 3x3. Typically a 300w panel will be advertised as 1000w or more but thats all just marketing bs. Here are a couple good options.

This is the light I use for seedlings and would also be good for a 3x3. Its also a lot cheaper.
What type of predators
Hypoaspis miles and rove beetles mostly. All my predators came from EWC or vermicompost, but you can buy them separately too.

I also saw a Big Eyed bug eat a spider mite while I was scoping them with my 200x. It was crazy. Literally a second after I saw the mite, I saw this guy eat him in like a second. I fucked up one of his legs trying to figure out what it was.