Week 8. Still waiting on scope. Cut or wait?

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
I concur, I would suggest to wait as much as 2 or 3 weeks
Dr. Jekyll

chop her down before your brand new scope arrives, that way you can really justify the cost of it.
Mr. Hyde
Thanks I am going to wait but 2 or 3 weeks seem like a lot. But this is my first grow so I thank you for your time and knowledge.
I just want to smoke it up. Lol. I smoke some that I cut off a week ago and after 5 or so year with out smoking I was happy. :)


Active Member
I feel what you're going through, I've done that when I first started growing and it's a huge no no.
Sure the most was good but you haven't smoked in nearly 5 years and you were eager to get some which is understandable so the high may have seemed more intense then it should have been due to your lack of tolerance.

Trust me when I tell you those 2-3 weeks will make ALL the difference.
I take all the info from reading here and I listen. The part I smoked was from when I was opening it up more to get more light to the center. And snapped a small branch. I started a new to get my mind off it and had a dud seed. But I do got a new baby that opened yesterday so I keep on that. Started this small grow to see when it goes legal here if I would like to move to bigger better things.