Week four flower - Hermie?

Long time outdoor grower here attempting first indoor grow. I have two strains going right now about week four/590326FE-15C0-4750-B3BE-DF9AC744C104.pngBE210EAF-54EB-4EFB-AAE1-1CC2E0EFF4FB.pngfive of flower. The lemon cake strain is doing amazing but the other strain (unknown) has some really weird bud growth. I had a plant outdoor last season get pollinated by local hemp farm so I collected some seeds, sexed them and ended up with a couple female plants. I kept them as mothers and have been taking clones from them. These are the clones of that strain. I have never encountered bud growth like this. They just seem to be mostly shiny curly leaves and calyx or seed pods? Not too many pistils. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. 9083D965-C784-4C70-99E9-CD00ABF96D5D.png


Well-Known Member
They dont look too unusual, but if I had even the slightest thought I might be wasting my time on a halfbreed hemp mongrel I’d be starting from scratch with proven genetics. Without a doubt. Can I ask why you’re bothering with it?


Well-Known Member
I would finish it. You've already put a lot of work into the plants and their mommies, at least see what you've got!
I’ll finish it out and see if things turn around for them. Most likely a hermie but checked this morning and no bananas or seeds showing yet. This indoor growing takes a lot of trial and error I guess.