Weird growth patterns, pics coming.


Active Member
Well hello everyone,

Don't really post much bust Im just gonna go for it. Long time enthusiast of indoor gardening. New to it though! I had a pretty decent outdoor guerilla type grow this year with a bunch of randomly collected bag seed and other donated strains from local friends.

I figured I hate paying for the stuff and Its a fun hobby so might as well bring it indoors. I built myself a small cab, did 1 cfl grow and was not so pleased with the outcome. the quality of fruit was nice but not dense enough and the yield was not worth its weight in the sweat and time figuring out how to build the damn thing in the first place. So I decided to upgrade to something worth my while. Mind you this is for personal consumption, mostly me my brother sometimes pops dips into the ol' stash when he stops by to visit. Anyhow I purchased a 1000wHPS with a Coolsun Reflector, Temps dialed in to roughly 25C. I can get my hand fairly close to the light without any discomfort.

I cut 4 clones 2 of each of the most dank plant i had this year and hoped for the best, everything turned out all took root and are growing. Im using the DNF package for nutes and they are taking off! i have the 1000w on for 8 hour cycles while having t5 strips on also 24 hours a day so they have consistant light. I was quite pleased with just the t5's for vegging but i thought i might as well add a couple hours of HPS to the recipe and so far so good.

Although the leaf growth on the clones i took are quite weird. I will be taking pictures when my girlfriend comes home. But one Almost seems to have stopped growing verticly completely, almost like it was auto topped somehow. it is a straight bush right now, hmmm...its really quite difficault to explain so Ill just have to wait for pictures.

But is it normal for the leafs of clones to look different then their mother plant?