Weird/interesting question


Well-Known Member
I was wondering i heard about this plant that you can put food color in the water and water it and it will change to that color i was wondering if anyone has seen or done or tried this and what happened afterwards? If no one knows the answer imma test it on 1 of my plants.


Active Member
NO! it kills it brosky. its for cheap plants that u dont mind dying afterwords. plants need to be green to absorb the kind of light it needs to survive, dont mess with its spectrum

grow space

Well-Known Member
yep man-dont do enything stupid.(coloform makes the plant green and it must be that way because it has been that till the start).


Well-Known Member
But would it change the color of the plant? if it does i might just do that to the males if i have any in my grow instead of throw them away. i mean sure im going to take the males away from my girls but i just wanna test it on them and she if they just dye or if they do change color and then dye.


New Member
Carnation growers/florists do that AFTER the flowers are cut. For example, if a white Carnation is placed in a glass of water tinted with red food coloring, the stem will draw up the color and the edges of the flowers will be red, while the insides will still be white.


Well-Known Member
ooooh ok thank you guys because once i heard that i got to wondering if you could do that with weed, but guess it isn't a good idea lol thank you.


Active Member
when you harvest your plants take a small stem and place it in a cup of water with a food colouring of your choice (blue works best) makes your bud tast like crap but looks the part


Well-Known Member
You have to cut them first, the roots will stop the colours from absorbing.
FDD did this as an experiment a while back and it does work.


Well-Known Member
Oh interesting so it will taste like crap but will it effect the thc in anyway?
Spike do you have a link to his thread or remember any of the name of the thread so i can search it?


Well-Known Member
Sorry but it was about a year ago and it could take forever to find it.
Basically he tried it with a plant but the roots filtered the colour,
so he cut the stem and placed it into a glass of coloured water,
the colour went through the plant and that's about it really.
I can't remember if it changed the taste, but if you want to try it let us know how it goes.:joint:


Well-Known Member
A root system is similar to our blood/brain barrier - only good stuff gets filtered and allowed through (assuming a healthy plant) and thus trying to dye the plant doesn't work unless it's bound to something else the plant will allow through.

The stuff they use to make your stuff turn purple is exactly that. And you can tel it gets used when you put your bud through the water test - take a cured bud, break it up in your hands, and run water over it - stuff flows like ink. Anytime I see purps like that I ask for my money back and never speak to that person again unless they have GREEN weed, because they obviously can't tell genetic or aged purps from forced purps.