weird this deficiency


Well-Known Member
Alright so for some reason this problem is only showing up on a few leaves but on all of the plants. I just flushed half of them to see if it helps or not. Plants are a little over 3 weeks old. Vegging under a 1000W MH currently. They are in 3 gallon pots. I'm using sunshine mix 4 advanced and GH floranova nutrient line.

Heres pictures.



New Member
hey phish, what is your pH? not the runoff but the actual soil? sunshine is prone to pH fluctuations sometimes between waterings. causes rapid problems on a few leaves. it's happened to me. dolmite lime mixed into the soil next time. or even hardwood ashes. for now a light top dressing before you water next time. just looks like lockout to me. probably nitrogen. what ppm are you feeding them? i don't think it's toxicity cause that usually shows in a more even pattern.


Well-Known Member
looks like Ph lock out. I agree check your run off.
Have you PHed your soil?
I use Ocean forest which has a Ph from 6.3 to 6.8. What is the PH on Sunshine?

Here's something to consider. Just a thought. But, I have had the same problem in my past. Went through everything..soil ph, water ph nutes, etc. But, still had the problem and progressing.
My problem turned out to be Mud Butt (Sludge in the bottom pot) Not a good thing.
When all else fails...check it.


Well-Known Member
I'm feeding them around 600-700 ppm right now. And the sunshine 4 advanced already has the dolomite in it. I'm used to using ffof so i've never had to ph my water before. Guess its time to get into the habit. Next watering i'll check the ph of the soil and let yall know. I pulled the few leaves out of each plant for now...we will see if anything comes back.


Well-Known Member
Looks like salt build up, rusty spots on leaves ,tips etc. Flush the medium with ph 6.5 water every 5-6 feeds.


Well-Known Member
Alright thats kind of what I was thinking...I just thought it was weird that it didn't effect any of the other growth...just the large fan leaves. The rest of the plants look great minus the few leaves on each. I can honestly say I want be using the sunshine mix #4 again. If I had a big mixer i'd just go buy sand, perlite and peatmoss and make my own soil.


New Member
Alright thats kind of what I was thinking...I just thought it was weird that it didn't effect any of the other growth...just the large fan leaves. The rest of the plants look great minus the few leaves on each. I can honestly say I want be using the sunshine mix #4 again. If I had a big mixer i'd just go buy sand, perlite and peatmoss and make my own soil.
i've used sunshine forever and so have a bunch of guys i know. we all love it. never really have any problems with it at all. i don't think it can be salt buildup. i mean those plants have only been getting nutes for a few weeks maybe? and floranova series isn't that bad on salts from what i hear. plus you are in soil. hard to buildup salts thaat fast in soil. my bet is still on the pH. sunshine is not to blame in my opinion. i go entire grows with that stuff and have no problems wahtsoever. check my journal out. i'm in sunshine right now pushing the hell out of Advanced nutes and still no salt problems.


Well-Known Member
does it seem like your sunshine mix holds water too long? I almost feel like my problem is the beginning of over watering...but i only water like every 3-4 days.


New Member
does it seem like your sunshine mix holds water too long? I almost feel like my problem is the beginning of over watering...but i only water like every 3-4 days.
that's weird. maybe you didn't mix it well enough. my only knock on sunshine is it has too much perlite and doesn't hold water long enough. i'm experimenting with adding 30% coco to it on my next cycle. definitely not your pots and saucers. 3-4 days sounds about normal for pots that size. that's not overwatering though. you would see a different shade of yellow an dit would be more evenly spread over the plant. if you want your soil to dry out quicker just pop some aeration holes in it. i use a pencil after every water. when i am in 1-3 gallon pots they normally go about 3-4 days between waterings. when i move to 5 gallon pots in flower it's more like 2-3 days. maybe humidity issues keeping it moist. i keep my veg room around 45-50% humidity. i also really don't have runoff when i water. i know how much they can take and that's what i give them. maybe on a few pots i get some drops but not much more then that.


Well-Known Member
I always water until i see some run off. And my humidity is also around 45-50 and temp around 76-80. I'm going to just keep them going....they seem to be growing and its not a widespread issue. my next watering I'll make sure they are ph'd