Weird thick twisted leaves


Well-Known Member
(Photo attached)

Hi, a few of my many plants have developed a strange problem. The new growth isn't soft and silky and moist, instead it's twisted and thick. I have several on the same soil, it's what I had, and a few in the same general part of the garden are doing this.
The soil has never been improved, unlike my other garden in which the soil is dark and rich and those plants are waist high. The soil the strange ones are in is thick and muddy, probably a lot of bentonite, and it dries hard.
Have you any ideas?



Well-Known Member
I get "krinkle leaf" in my first sets of leaves on a couple of the plants I grow every year but that is genetic and they grow out of it. I have no idea what that is.

I think your suspicion that a it's a soil condition might be the first place to look. I wish I could be more help.


Well-Known Member
I get something similar, but it's from my spring water and it seems to be locking out calcium. A cal/mag product "fixes" my issues, so maybe that would help you, although your pic looks different than what mine look like. My issues pretty much happen after a good rain, I think it's flushing more minerals or overall high ppm into the water.


Well-Known Member
Well a plant I suspect is female (shorter and bushier) has started showing this, I'm going to move it to the "good" garden where my others, planted at the same time, are waist high. Its improved soil, been gardened and mulched and fed. If it survives the transplant, she'll be happier. I'm going to move a few, now that the radishes and spinach have been pulled. Thanks.