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I need help my plant is 3wks old its about a foot tall the very top of my plants leaves are curling inwards and on some of the other leaves are showing yellowish veins can someone please help what am i doing wrong or what does this mean

Ketchup Kid

Hi KK, welcome aboard. RE: your lights, be concerned about the Kelvin, or K, not the lumens. I'll put this as succinctly as possible. Lumens and Lux are measurements of light as perceived by the human eye. Plants require P.A.R., photo-synthetically active radiation. This is in the red and blue light spectrum's. For vegging, you want high K, 5000/5500. For flowering, 2300/2700 K. These "K" numbers are usually on the base of the CFL. Good luck & good grow.......BB
It seems my lights are good for flowering just not vegging. 2700K. Guess that means I need a light for vegging. What would you recommend? I still plan on using the CFLs for flowering, maybe a 400 Watt HPS light for the vegging stage? To keep it small I plan on only doing 15 or 16 days of vegging and switch to 12/12 lighting.

[Edit] I found this bulb http://www.elightbulbs.com/Halco-108416-MH400-U-T15-10K-Metal-Halide-Light-Bulb, would that work in conjunction with my CFLs to give it enough blue light to veg properly?

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
The HPS is for flowering also. Check out ebay or Amazon for veg CFL's. You will find lights 10/300 watts in the flowering and veg spectrum's.
I stay away from the HID's for safety and economy. Good luck & good grow.......BB
Whats up folks I am brand new to this, I am looking to grow 1 or 2 plants of short rider just for a pleasant smoke with friends. This will be my first grow so i am not to sure. My plan was to buy the 5 fem seeds and the ultimate grow kit from nirvana shop. then wen it came around to vegging I was gonna use a White 125 watt CFL 6400K then for the budding process which it to a Red 125 watt CFL 2700K. just for starters am I on the right track or will I end up making a balls of it? Thanks.


Yo yo yo! I love the site for awesome and reliable information! I finally decided to start growing Hydroponics "Recirculating DWC" based on blazeoneup's model form icmag and starting a grow journal on my skywalker og clones...I am new at this and need LOTS of criticism and advice on my grow. Already I have encounter many problems in the build as well the health of my plants...Please feel free to ask me any questions on building a RDWC system as I know all the woulda and shoulda stuff that should have been done to avoid complications.

Picture.jpgquestion on hermie.friend had a diesel plant that he said had light leaking on it in bud room.top had some seed.sprouted fine,i only kept one.will it be a hermie too?should i wheel it since i dont need the plant i was just looking into the strain.it was good smoke. pic of "it". (top) the other pic is ww fem planted week later this plant is almost three weeks old.the hermie is a month. same light
Picture 229.jpg


Hello All, I am new to all net forums, but not growing. Been cultivating for around 15 years. I love the plant, but I despise the way it is treated by most of mankind. I hope that we may make the growing/smoking experience legal, and also take away the monetary rewards away for growing. I just give weed away to my peeps, ya'll! I look forward to learning and helping others to learn through this site. To all the new growers and old pros.... Do It BIG!!!!!!
What is up ppl! I am an experienced outdoor grower, with some experience indoor, looking to wean into that. I am a medical marijuana patient, my caregiver is also a good friend with a ton of knowledge. My goal is to become a care giver myself. My medicine is always super dank and is grown with canna nutrients. favirote medicine is stars, white widow, g-13, and og KUSH. Like HumbleGro I love this plant, it really has changed my life and I hope to spread awareness of its benefits and de-taboo cannabis. Looking to be a contributing member of the forum and can start right away in the outdoor section, wish I had some pics of some of my grows... I was always too nervous to be in possession of those pictures to take any! In on this shiiiiiii......

midwest reefer

Well-Known Member
Hi all. Although this is my first post, I have been stalking this forum for a while. I have a couple of mj grows under my belt and am currently trying a small mushroom grow of B+ and PES Hawaiian. Great site! Thanks for all the info.


Active Member
hey BB, kinda new here, been on bout 2 month, but i have a journal started, and would like some guidence, i have some "friends" that have given me pointers, still want some others to sub up and ask question and help with good answers. and i have read quite a few of ur post u sem to have been at this awhile, mind given my journal a look and maybe a follow,
Bean man here just saying hello to everyone here and look forward to all the words of wisdom offered. In MI where its legal and I can only say
I love it here for that ONLY. Wishing everyone here the best of luck and talk to you guys soon.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
hey BB, kinda new here, been on bout 2 month, but i have a journal started, and would like some guidence, i have some "friends" that have given me pointers, still want some others to sub up and ask question and help with good answers. and i have read quite a few of ur post u sem to have been at this awhile, mind given my journal a look and maybe a follow,
Hello Real, nice you can join our little "Cannabis Circus". If you dig around, you will find a lot of good stuff in here. Just try to avoid the "drama"!
There is a lot of that in here too, LOL. You're going Hydro, and thats great.
But I would have very little input on that, as I'm a dirt farmer. I've tried "autos" once, but they just wont work in my set-up, so again, I'd be of little help in that area. I noticed you mentioned "100 watt cfl's", I'm thinking you mean the 27 watt, 100 watt equivalent lights. If this is so, 81 watts of cfl will not be sufficient. I use 108 watts in my germination station, just to give you an idea
of what's needed. PM me anytime, I'll be glad to help with whatever I can.
Good luck & good grow.......BB bongsmilie
Hey guys newbie from ireland here first time grower im thinking about using an aerogarden if ye could give me some tips on containing the smell im thinking about keeping the aerogarden in cupboard looking forward to hearing ur suggestions thanks
Already made a post but hello everyone Im Charlie! And this is me ⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓


Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Hi Charlie, a sincere welcome aboard. I notice you're a little shy, but I'm sure you'll loosen up once you get to know us, LOL.
Good luck & good grow.......BB