Well this is the last try to get them to grow (PICS)

Medical User

Well-Known Member
Ok these were compacted and drainage poor. They were transplanted yesterday at this time and here they are today, all different sizes and well hope all female. Loot to your hearts content and comments would be nice, I get bored and love reading what everyone has to say at night.


Well-Known Member
there not going to well mate if ur using nutrients u shouldnt be using any there to young for it and looks to me ur overdoseing em


Well-Known Member
....... :/ great jumping Josephs witness shame on you! i wish they had cps for plants! you are a bad mother! lol jk not much i can help you with cause i would of thrown them out last month rofl! but you know thats just me. hope the come back to life, not only for shiva the god of pot but for you as well! happy smokings my fair lad


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha yeh same but we all start somewhere ay ive had a real shitty plant like just about dead and i let it grow and i pulled a pound of it

Medical User

Well-Known Member
....... :/ great jumping Josephs witness shame on you! i wish they had cps for plants! you are a bad mother! lol jk not much i can help you with cause i would of thrown them out last month rofl! but you know thats just me. hope the come back to life, not only for shiva the god of pot but for you as well! happy smokings my fair lad
last month they had not broke soil yet. lol
i think they look good fo r 3 weeks


From personal experience.... This appears to be root damage from a transplant gone bad. Prune, prune prune.... Leave all the green healthy leaves near the top. The root system can't support the current foliage and is killing it off. Prune..... and wait 14 days for normal growth to resume..... This is quite a shock for the plant but I think it can survive..... I'm not certain about your nutrients, but it looks overwatered, especially considering the root system is compromised. Let the soil dry out in-between waterings.


Active Member
Some of them looks really sad, sing it a song or something, or say a prayer ... anyway, no reflector on the lights? You can try put a 0.5mm sheet of aluminium of top of your light to help reflect the light lost on the top direction. You probably can get them in ebay. I use CFL also, and made a reflector/lamp holders from a single sheet of 0.5 mm aluminium, it works great :D


Well-Known Member
^Agreed, some kind of reflector should be added to the top of those lights.

As for the plants....yeah, looks like they're in shock from the transplant. Give them another day or two to perk back up, and they should be fine as long as the soil is decent. Also, if you didn't give them a good watering, right after the transplant, I'd do that ASAP. Don't flood them, but make sure all the new soil is moist, so the roots will want to spread out into it. Then, kick back and wait for results. :cool:

Medical User

Well-Known Member
Some of them looks really sad, sing it a song or something, or say a prayer ... anyway, no reflector on the lights? You can try put a 0.5mm sheet of aluminium of top of your light to help reflect the light lost on the top direction. You probably can get them in ebay. I use CFL also, and made a reflector/lamp holders from a single sheet of 0.5 mm aluminium, it works great :D
You can not see it from the PIC but there is a 50 Watt MH above the top of the pic and 4 vertical mounted t-12 flouros surrounding.