Well Washington is legal now..... I think......


Well-Known Member
Yup it is i live here but im only 19 so not for.me for 2 more years im watching totally baked with a bowl and my gf lol


Well-Known Member
This should be interesting in how it works out, especially with the feds, I myself say it's abt time that we lower the laws and start to realize that there are def more dangerous drugs than mj. I've been smoking for more than 40 yrs and waited for something like this to happen since, cheers to Washington and I hope that more states finally face the feds and say F%*& You.


Well-Known Member
Honestly glad this is happening!! That's a win in my book. I don't want to be judged anymore than the guy holding a cigarette...now do i move or wait for michigan to get on board? Hmm this is going to take a bowl and some time to think about:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I'm a Washington resident, and to be truthful, I don't like the new law. While technically it's legal, the only authorized way to aquire weed is through a state-run store...which do not exist yet, and will not, for at least another year.

You are not allowed to grow your own, because the state wants you to pay taxes on it. Yeah, like I'm really thrilled with that...

The DUI provisions appear to be a wild-assed guess as to the amount of THC that causes enough intoxication to impair driving, and I still haven't found what studies they based these figures on.

The only part that makes me happy is that now the odor of weed is no longer probable cause for a search of you, your car, or your home.

Umm, yeah. I think I'll be staying under the radar, just as I have for the last 40 years or so.


Well-Known Member
Washington was a step backwards I was sad to see it pass. Colorado is a model that should be adopted nation wide


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Feroce! I was unaware of how it was being controlled by state and not allowed to grow your own. and the dui shit is in every medical state. The biggest thing is they won't come knocking or bothering harmless people with medical conditions. I do kinda wish I could withdraw my last comment as a "win win". There would be a huge problem if you can't grow your own


Well-Known Member
At least it doesn't stop the medical grows. Over all it just lets you have an ounce with out getting popped. Glad I can still have a pound and a half and still grow with my med card.