We've lost it. It's over...


Okay two down 67 more to go
But I agree, I have never seen this place as bad as it is now. Thread after thread of tedious crap that sucks away one's desire to participate. But it is very different than three months ago so who can say what it will look like.

True ive probably started a couple

We need a thread were mods wont take down posts and shit like an all out thred were its like the purge lol
Wow I turned on my ceiling fan after smoking some sativa and like I spasmed out and almost why did we fuck sunni lol

I was supposed to say why did sunni leave lol stupid ass autocorrect
Cuz...1) her life seems to be improving, with apparent multiple varied opportunities
2) she's getting more mature and nursemaiding the lot such as we has to be absolutely wearisome
3) Constant dick pics, and well, she's a young gal....internet ain't life

Vaya con dios Sunni
Cuz...1) her life seems to be improving, with apparent multiple varied opportunities
2) she's getting more mature and nursemaiding the lot such as we has to be absolutely wearisome
3) Constant dick pics, and well, she's a young gal....internet ain't life

Vaya con dios Sunni


Well are we gonna get new mods

Cuz we lost two
Clayton seems to have the ability to promote statistical perfection...50% hate him and 50% love him, regardless of having met him. Where else in the cosmos does one find such a perfect split?: a coin toss, this is like the Laws of Thermodynamics. Would be the same on a planet orbiting Alpha Centauri, or any where in the Universe. Ponder this and weep, Clayton is an immutable natural law. He is a national treasure

Originally Posted by GreatwhiteNorth
Yeah, but don't go into his room bare-footed, there's hot wheels and leggo's everywhere.

Singlemalt, Feb 17, 2014 Report
Clayton seems to have the ability to promote statistical perfection...50% hate him and 50% love him, regardless of having met him. Where else in the cosmos does one find such a perfect split?: a coin toss, this is like the Laws of Thermodynamics. Would be the same on a planet orbiting Alpha Centauri, or any where in the Universe. Ponder this and weep, Clayton is an immutable natural law. He is a national treasure

Originally Posted by GreatwhiteNorth
Yeah, but don't go into his room bare-footed, there's hot wheels and leggo's everywhere.

Singlemalt, Feb 17, 2014 Report

part of me thinks that clayton is mainliner too lol

but i loved clayton but i think i pissed him of cuz i kept on telling him that he owes me for the coke and the midgethookers lol
You're still a peckerwood Ty...

damn boi i aint no pecker thats fucking gay

and i aint no wood ether woods even more gay

fuck but if im all of those things that means im..... IM FUCKING GAY

holy fuck this is more surprising then a catholic priest getting butt rammed by a little boy