What are the most likely causes of leaves turning yellow and not staying healthy green until harvest ?

Milky Weed

Well-Known Member
I agree, healthy plants should have a sea of green around them, and on occasion will get a few yellowing leaves here and there, just like in nature.. when the fall colors set in is my angle. But.. I could be barking up the wrong tree here, as the thread is mostly aimed at what negative issues causes yellowing up to harvest.
I see where your coming from, but indoors i try to not let it become “fall like conditions”

I keep the environent and nutrients stable and ive been getting better at keeping them greener for longer. Hoping this run they finish almost 100% green.


Well-Known Member
I see where your coming from, but indoors i try to not let it become “fall like conditions”

I keep the environent and nutrients stable and ive been getting better at keeping them greener for longer. Hoping this run they finish almost 100% green.
yup...the perfect grow. Id love this too, getting there. And for indoor grows we still (at least with photos) have to mimic nature by changing/reducing the light cycle to trigger flowering. When lighting is reduced in nature, In the fall, trees just have leaves dropping like crazy, and they're healthy. We still have a better environment, or we think we do with a more controlled area like we have. I'm a little man here amongst giants who have way more experience than me though. I'd love to know how you guys do it. Cheers.

Milky Weed

Well-Known Member
yup...the perfect grow. Id love this too, getting there. And for indoor grows we still (at least with photos) have to mimic nature by changing/reducing the light cycle to trigger flowering. When lighting is reduced in nature, In the fall, trees just have leaves dropping like crazy, and they're healthy. We still have a better environment, or we think we do with a more controlled area like we have. I'm a little man here amongst giants who have way more experience than me though. I'd love to know how you guys do it. Cheers.
Im a noob like you man i just been doing alot of homework. But it is possible, a good example is @Rurumo current grow. Shes in deep flower and everything still looks very green.

It just takes time, i have a long way to go myself, and reading these plants takes experience not research!


Well-Known Member
If you look up alot of articles online, they all talk about how it's normal for leaves to yellow in flower. This is incorrect...and I know for a fact everytime I underfed N and let them yellow, yield suffered from it. The more lushious green foliage you have, the danker and plumper the flower imo.
Even my plants I fed properly outdoors well into fall with temps reaching down to the 50s and 40s, never had yellow lol.


Well-Known Member
I've found that in a few grows I was having 'plant trouble' at the same time...about 3 weeks into flower. Rather than just assuming that it was 'just what the plants do' I figured that it was something that I was doing or not doing. Changing the nutrients at the wrong time, or my nutrient mix wasn't quite what it should be, etc.

Rather than accepting that it's 'just nature,' accepting that you can be a better grower, refine and learn from your experiences and work to make things work better seems like a better path.


Well-Known Member
I've found that in a few grows I was having 'plant trouble' at the same time...about 3 weeks into flower. Rather than just assuming that it was 'just what the plants do' I figured that it was something that I was doing or not doing. Changing the nutrients at the wrong time, or my nutrient mix wasn't quite what it should be, etc.

Rather than accepting that it's 'just nature,' accepting that you can be a better grower, refine and learn from your experiences and work to make things work better seems like a better path.
A very private member here pushed me to that Neptune fish & Seaweed fertilizer for such an occasion... big difference, for the better.


Well-Known Member
A very private member here pushed me to that Neptune fish & Seaweed fertilizer for such an occasion... big difference, for the better.
I just started using Recharge weekly and that's actually been a good thing (it has kelp, humic/fulvic as well as myco). I have one plant in the tent right now that is a bit of a weirdo and remains bright green to the yellow side of things while the others show too much nitrogen from veg. And while I'm generally happy with using GH Trio (with hardwater micro), I'm going to try MaxiBloom this next round to see if simpler just makes things run better. I'm also questioning if our hard well water (seasonally at 265ppm, up from 220ppm in the summer/fall) is causing problems. Not going to R/O anytime soon though.


Well-Known Member
yup...the perfect grow. Id love this too, getting there. And for indoor grows we still (at least with photos) have to mimic nature by changing/reducing the light cycle to trigger flowering. When lighting is reduced in nature, In the fall, trees just have leaves dropping like crazy, and they're healthy. We still have a better environment, or we think we do with a more controlled area like we have. I'm a little man here amongst giants who have way more experience than me though. I'd love to know how you guys do it. Cheers.
Trees outside are storing sugars to survive over winter. Cannabis does not grow back after winter. They are 2 diff types of plants.
Yellow leaves = ya fucked up


Well-Known Member
A lot of people harvest by the way their plants change color, even when trykes seem very ready. Some turn almost black late, some have purple calyxes and green leaves. Others are reversed. Annuals can give awesome color end of season.

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
Some yellowed some didn't idk what happened, I see that as a failure, I'm annoyed at myself.
11/12 weeks.

I got 953g so that takes the sting out of it but there's plenty room for improvement.