What are these fuckin spots?


Active Member
i didn't let it go at all, i noticed them about 5 days ago and asked a friend (by the way everything he has told me has been wrong) he said its nothing not matter what it was my plans were strong enough where i could let it go for a few days and see what happens so some leaves had more spots than others so i took action

i applied rosenthals blend and disinfected my space with bleach and then sprayed with a pestaced vacuumed and now we will see what going to happen im also adding co2 tomorrow not that its relevant to spider mites but maybe it will help to heal.


Well-Known Member
treat again in four days.

then again in another four days.

then to be sure, again in another four days.

i wish you the best of luck ;)


Active Member
I use Safer insect soap. It so far has taken care of all of my problems. You could also use Concern insect soap. I buy Safer concentrate online, It's cheaper but on can just buy a regular spray bottle of the stuff at any home store.